I would cut the deck down to 60 cards but you don't have to since 63 is just about close enough
cut keyrune for a signet
looks good my only opinion is I don't really like thatcher revolt just cause you have to sac em but really that's a matter of prefrence
well do you want the keyrune for the mana ability or for the creature ability
cut the keyrune and run a golgari signet the keyrunes suck
if your gonna run distant melody in a tribal deck my suggestion would to be run reliquary tower so you dont have a miximum hand size
looks like a fun deck to play and you know what would make it even more fun dissapation field
that works to but still cut creatures for it
the other thing i just noticed is its really high cost so id say cut some of your higher cost cards and sub in some 1 and 2 cost cards
well ill take a closer look at it when i have a chance but to start with i would cut the domestications you already have a lot of creature controll so i wouldent worry about loosing some also controll magic is a lot better than domestication so if i were you i would actually run 3 of them
if you dont mind running not in standard i would run lightning bold also cut the boros guildgates for sacred foundry
dont run the izzet guildgates they set you back a turn there really not very good try gettin steam vents instead also instead of running keyrune i would run izzet signet
cut it down to 60 never run a deck thats more than 60 cards
i agree with the above although i would keep one nocturnus because even though its dual colored theres a chance of having his ability activated and when it does get activated its terrifying
No Voldaren????????? :'(
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