your running to many dual lands I tried that the first time I ever made a tri color deck and it just doesn't work allways run some basic lands
also you don't need murder you have infectand only do 2 caress of phyrexia its such a high cost cardtake out snow covered plains sapseep and mistveil you don't need them
try cutting infectious horror down to 2 and I would run 11 swamps and 11 forests for lands and nothing else
also try cutting your planeswalkers for giant growths plainswalkers rarely do anything besides stall an opponent
oh right I forgot about that sorry
honestly im saying your deck is soso at best your gonna run into a lot of mana screws playing a deck like this and its also just not fast enough theres a lot of things you could do better
to many high cost creatures I would suggest cutting some or throwing in a belbe's portal also cut clockwork dragon for flameblast dragon and most definely run 4 dragon master outcasts
I would add some blight mambas they make for great defenders
ok so you have a bunch of creatures that are over 5 cost converted mana cost so cut most of those for some one cost creatures and creature buffsthe idea of boros is to throw out low cost creatures and then buff themmake more sense?
cut the guildmage for vexing devil
put some one cost creatures in there cut most of the high cost creatures and put in some buffs boros is supposed to be rushey and buffey
cut the life gain at least all life gain cept for chalice of life cause chalice of death is usefull but replace lifegain with more infect and flying defense also cut phyrexian colossus and cut the deck down to 60 cards
I would cut sorin for vampire nocturnus
honestly sphinx-bone wand is such a high cost card its just not worth italso a basic rule of magic don't run one of a card allways at least 2 if your only gonna run 1 then its prolly not worth putting in your deck so id double some stuff and cut some other stuff
i would cut; lavinia of the tenth, lyev skyknight, murmering phantasm, skymarc roc, sunspire griffin, and knightly valor
I would cut the deck down to 60 cards
I would cut izzet guildgate for sulfur fallsalso psychic spiral is kind of uneeded id run a lightning bolt and although I do like thoughtflare its so high cost that it just isn't worth it so I would cut that to for a lower cost draw power maybe mind spring?
whats with the massive sideboard? you do realize a sideboard is only supposed to be 15 cards no more no less
just from personal experience running all dual lands is never a good idea I mean sure the shock lands are nice but first off your not guaranteed to draw one secondly if you do youll have to keep cutting yourself and the pay 2 life is only good up to a certain point so if I were you id run a couple of basic lands
why would I need karn I mean sure karn is good but theres no need for him in the deck
21-40 of 55 items