You might enjoy Loyal Pegasus.
This is excellent advice; thank you for replying. I reduced the number of flame rifts to 2, and I can always reduce it more if needed. I took out vexing devil and expanded the sideboard using the cards you suggested. I also placed a mixture of these cards in the mainboard to be more prepared.However, I can still foresee PoP and Searing Blood being dead cards against certain decks. Should I be concerned about this or is 2 copies of a card I can't use in a match not particularly damning? Searing Blaze seems like it could be more useful than searing blood because it can always do player damage, but I'm concerned that landfall may be too situational.
Thanks, I reduced the lands to 19 and it draws much more smoothly now. Also, I like monastery swiftspear alot. I had never seen this card before, but it seems a lot more reliable than vexing devil.
I was considering adding Golgari Thug, but I hate how he takes creatures out of the graveyard.It can a big drawback in this deck. Though not always bad with Demigod of Revenge.
Living Death and Stitch Together are really good in here. Thanks, I'm not sure why I didn't have any reanimation cards. But as for Shriekhorn, do you really think I can let it go? It's a weak milling card, but it's a great first turn. Since I can only have 4 faithless lootings, and since that's only in red, Shriekhorn seems to help a lot with consistency. Anyway, how does it look now?
Thanks for the suggestions. Aven Mindcensor would be great, but it puts the deck just a bit out of my price range. I took out Transcendent Master and Llanowar elves, and I added in Qasali Pridemage and Troll Ascetic. My concern though, is that if not enough creatures cause me to gain life on their own, I will be relying on my enchantments too much. I don't want to deviate too much from my game plan. Also, I don't want to have to wait around for my mana.
Thanks. I'm actually kind of struggling with it. Any suggestions?
Love it, I've always wanted to do knight tribal. Some cards you should really consider:3-4 Knight of the Holy Nimbus (it autoregens)1-3 Day of Judgement (with Knight Exemplar, it is a fun combo piece)1-2 Angelic Overseer (Great to have this out alongside your humans and honor of the pure)1-4 Crusade (keep some on the side for when you aren't facing white)
Lets see... Right now I think that swamp-growth mechanic is holding back your combo. You should take the all in combo plunge! Bring your Wound Reflection and Panoptic Mirror up to four. After all, when you get your combo out, you're gonna win.I like obliterator in this deck as insurance and as something to help you stall. Maybe you should add some kill cards. These can help you stall for time. The tough part about playing this deck is that your combo will go off turn 7, 5 at the earliest with dark ritual. I'll be following!
I love this concept. I've been working on a similar deck. Mine has lots more ramp though. My logic is that I can enchant or equip the mana dorks and turn them into lifelinking attackers.
Why not play with 4 Aetherlings? You want to draw that wincon. Also, I know that you're anticipating the rotation, but you might as well use some Innistrad cards if they're cheap. After all, once standard rotates you'll be able to fill the holes left over. Dungeon Geists, for example, does not cost much money and would be a great replacement for Archeomancer. Please play with dissipate. It is a cancel that removes flashback potential. It's still good right now, and as far as I know costs almost nothing. I'm sure you'll get a replacement soon.
COOL idea. I want to see this deck become awesome. I think you're right on track with pack rat and pestilence rats growing as you flood the battlefield with rats and force discard. That theme will be fun to play and effective.I think that this deck needs to be tightened up a little. Definately take out Ichor Rats. Nezumi graverobber may not be the best choice either, since you likely won't be completely depleting his graveyard. For your purposes, Lili's Caress is functionally better than Megrim. Larceny and Death Wind may not be effective choices; you may just want more Doom Blades, Grasps, Go For The Throats. Ogre Slumlord may be a little too slow for what you're trying to do.You are playing a theme which wants to set up for the opponent discarding cards with enchantments/creatures that will hurt them, then force discard, all the while attacking with small creatures that grow larger. I'd say you need more of those enchantments, more discard, and some fast mana. I highly suggest the following: DARK RITUAL, THE RACK, Ravenous Rats, Drainpipe Vermin, Hymn to Tourach (extremely effective). You may want to run 2 more plague rats, since it is creature control that adds to your rat total.Love the idea; I'll be following the deck.
This is looking really good right now.
Hmmm... I'm not sure what the best way to use Underworld Dreams is. On its own, it is very slow. You would need to somehow force them to draw. Sign in Blood maybe. This seems like a really dangerous strategy though.
Also, Joraga Warcaller and Defiant Elf are a very fun combo. I would love to see how big those two get in a game.
Yeah, sweepers are a definate weakness. Skullclamp is a pretty good insurance policy though. Play another elf, draw some cards, play some more elves.
At this point, I would say that Hell's Caretaker, Corpse Trader, and Darkness are your weakest links.Caretaker may still be viable, since you can use it to recur your wincon if it gets detsroyed
Hymn to Tourach, Hypnotic Specter, or Go For the Throat. With Lilliana's Caress, you want them to discard as many cards as possible, meaning that they need to start discarding as soon as possible. Also, because you have so many big creatures to win with, you want to force as much control on them as possible during the early game so that they can't fight your fatties.
God Damn, where are you getting these Gaea's Cradles from? I love this deck; it looks like tons of fun. Even without your $125 lands, this would work well and be fun to play. Kahlni Hydra could be a nice addition.
Still... I'm not sure that this can win games. It needs a faster, more cohesive strategy.
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