
31 Decks, 29 Comments, 1 Reputation

This deck needs to do something in the beginning of the game. After all, your wincon is coming out turn 4. It's good to have plenty of kill cards with Abyssal Persecutor, but I would replace Tribute to Hunger with Go For The Throat. That way you can kill your A P for the win.

Bone Splinters, Killing Wave, and Blood Artist may not be at home here. Instead, how about Hymn to Tourach, Duress/Balckmail/Inquisition of Kozilek or Dark Ritual to force some discard and speed things up for you? This could shape up to be a really nasty mono black midrange deck.

Posted 30 May 2013 at 20:51 as a comment on Chaotic Chaos of doom


Yeah, way to use Fyndhorn Elves

Posted 30 May 2013 at 20:45 in reply to #359292 on Elves. Just Classic


The trouble is that Corpse Traders comes into play turn 4, and you won't start using your recursion theme until turn 5. I think that this is too slow for a discard deck, since aggro decks can unload most of their hand in the first 3 turns.

If you are going to stick with this strategy, you absolutely need Dark Ritual. That way you can jump ahead a turn or two. Discard is really not a sustainable strategy; it's an early game strategy that wants to drop its win condition turns 4 or 5. Speaking of which, you may want something else in addition to Bloodgift Demon. Desecration Demon is a cheap, fun card to win with. Since your mana curve tops out at 5, I'm not sure what Crypt Ghast is doing here. Maybe replace him with a fatty.

Posted 30 May 2013 at 20:42 in reply to #359281 on Mental Torture V2


Since this deck is not standard anymore, why not go further back than Scars of Mirrodin?

I suggest replacing your equipments with Bonesplitter. I'm also not sure about Fiend Hunter, since he's only got 1 power. A white deck wants to lead an offensive, after all. Maybe add some more Honor of the Pure, or even some Crusade to lend more strength to your army.

Here's my Mono White deck if you want some inspiration:

Posted 30 May 2013 at 20:32 as a comment on Hold the Line


Always good to see a mono-black discard deck coming along. There are some cards in your deck which you may want to remove. You can probably find cheap and better replacements for:

Corpse traders
Geth's Verdict
Tribute to hunger

I am also not quite sure what the gameplan is for Hell's Caretaker and Blood Artist. BA requires alot of things dying. Hell's Caretaker wants you to put things in YOUR graveyard first. I personally prefer Animate Dead for reanimating stuff from opponent's graveyards. Also, replace Reassembling Skeleton with Augur of Skulls. It's a better version of the card.

Here's a link to my mono black deck. It may give you some ideas.

Posted 30 May 2013 at 20:17 as a comment on Mental Torture V2


This deck does not yet pack a punch. If you want to go with the exalted theme, you are going to need some big creatures to win with. Remember that with exalted, you can only attack w/ one creature to get the buff. So you want a big flier. I suggest Desecration Demon or Bloodgift Demon (or both).

You may consider making this a midrange deck, of sorts. Your exalted creatures can be blockers in the beginning of the game, 1-for-1ing the opponent. Maybe add Duress to disrupt his hand. Then, you drop a big creature and swing in. Exalted will be bonus, not a necessity. You will need a couple more swamps for this strategy.

I would remove the following cards, as they are not helping you very much:
Dark Favor
Skeletal Grimace
Undying Evil
Highborn Ghoul
Lilliana's shade

These cards don't fit in your deck because they are not exalted sources, they don't shut down your opponent's strategy, and they are not win conditions. If you want more kill cards, try Ultimate Price and tragic slip. You can always sideboard these in or out.

I like your concept. I haven't seen many exalted decks at FNM.

Posted 30 May 2013 at 20:00 as a comment on Mono Black


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