You should replace vigilance with bonds of faith. And the bomber corps aren't really worth it. Chuck in fencing ace instead as you're running martial glory and madcap (+bonds!). He becomes a really nice hitter for you.
Ok some changes added. Anybody got any ideas for what Gatecrash has brought to this deck? (Without going Boros, that is a different deck to this)
Looks hilariously fun, mate. I would replace an increasing devotion or a massive raid for a cathars' crusade or two but it looks like it might actually pull off.
Really really like it mate, it looks like a load of fun and nasty to behold. I'm a little worried about the curve running that high with only 23 lands, I know you have ramp from the lantern but you also want to be spending turns casting enchantments and/or sorin so it leaves you a little naked sometimes I should imagine. I would at least drop 1 cathars' for another land. What would your sideboard look like? Also, if you want to drop the monk I would actually be tempted to chuck in maybe just a singleton Armada Wurm. That token with buffs from your enchantments would be another nasty way to help finish even a stalled game.
Looks good, I'd say you could easily get away with 22 lands (perhaps even 21...) This deck even scares the crap out of my boros aggro if I'm on the draw.
So you're not planning on doing much for the first 3 or so turns of the game? That's rather dangerous with certain aggro decks running rampant at the moment. I'm not sure if you can pull this off short of getting miracles on mastery and terminus very early on. Granted, it will be powerful once it gets there (angel of serenity is just nuts, so are gisela and aurelia).You need to squeeze in some more early stalling/killing ability, and even then you're relying on drawing lands consistently enough to pull of 6+ cost creatures, which is fairly unlikely without ramp, even running something like 27 lands.I think this would be much more successful as either Dega for unburial rights+faithless looting (get your nice, fat angels for cheap mana costs like 4-5) along with early kill spells, or more likely as Naya to add in the ramp and the rather tasty Sigarda.
Mainboard looks like it's getting there mate. I have a deck listed on here that is monowhite that has a really good win record and did well at my local qualifier. A few bombs that really helped me along the way: Bonds of Faith (very versatile as either buff or prevention, works awesomely with fencing ace) which I would switch in for the arresters, as these guys just dont have enough of an impact I feel.Angelic Overseer for indestructible AND hexproof (beat that?) which I would replace the 2 captains with (also brings the top of the curve down slightly...) And if you can squeeze him in, an Ajani or two is a very solid choice that you'll want activating every single turn for any of his abilities.
Hmm Looks like fun! Perhaps you could replace those enchants with 2 copies of Gisela, maybe? That gives you another nasty reanimate target if you haven't pulled AoGR. She can really tilt games just on her own if your opponent can't get rid of her, and fast. I would also be tempted to tone down the strongholds. Maybe 1 or two but I think three colourless mana is slightly too much to handle (not sure what you think?) I would switch it/them for extra summits.Nice.
Forgot to elaborate, it was naya thragtusk, my worst nightmare. I got slightly outpaced in the first game, by about 2hp swing when he finished me. Gavony township made his dorks able to be thrown under the bus at crucial times.Second game he both got lucky AND I could have played better. Decided not to sideboard despite my instinct to put faith's shield or something in there for help against bonfire. He stumbled on mana on turn 3 so I decided to overcommit. He luckily miracled a bonfire on turn 5 and that was it, game over. Anything else he could have played that turn I would have won.
I'm not sure on the milling options in here. I would personally replace the chronic flooding with favorable winds.
Seriously give her a try. Hexproof and indestructible, on a flier, is a combination that shouldn't be so easily passed up. You say you worry about the mana, yet you're running sphinx's revelation? This card only pays off at 6, or really 7 mana+ which this deck is never really going to have (in a winning situation anyway) If anything I would replace them with her.Another point in her favour is that if you have her and a human out, you can use supreme verdict and she is not destroyed, only the humans.
This deck works ok but your main problem is your reliance on fragile/weak creatures to do the damage for you. This deck also suffers badly to burn players who barely use the battlefield.I know it is your theme, but you actually have a little bit too much detain/unsummon/exile in that you're likely to waste a lot of it, or have lots sitting in your hand not doing much. There are a few ways round this. I would drop the fog bank, dramatic rescue and the tablets and replace them with an extra cloudshift, 3 angelic overseer (as a difficult to remove finisher) and as a key card - 4 Bonds of Faith.This last one is amazing, it doubles not only as a permanant (almost) detain if you need it, but as a buff for your humans to speed up the damage if/when your opponent is shut down. A lyev skyknight with bonds on him is pretty scary as a 5/3 flier, and it only requires you to have 3 mana on the field to do it.Using bonds to lockdown a creature is also good in that you don't trigger those awful things like thragtusk as you never have to actually remove him the battlefield, something that other cards like unsummon/o-ring can't get past.For sideboards I recommend rest in peace for graveyard tricks, faith's shield and divine deflection against burn and perhaps nevermore and dissipate for battling other control decks.
I second the comment about invisible stalker and curiosity. I would take this further to then explain you can replace your pacifism/defangs for bonds of faith. This card doubles as a boost for your humans, or a nullifier for enemy creatures. With stalker's unblockability and hexproof it can get quite nasty quite fast if he has one of those, and perhaps ethereal armour on.Not sure what you want to switch out elsewhere but I'd also try and reduce the number of double colour costs you have like encrust and claustrophobia. Without dual lands they can be quite costly on your mana, personally I would swap those 4 cards for an extra fiend hunter and 3 sensory deprivation.
You sure you need thalia? Id like to use that slot for fencing ace. Works well with buffs.
I think you want curse of the bloody tome, instead of flooding.
Hmm of course, just ignore that then. It's still very dependent though, I wouldn't worry if the deck had more midrange threat but it doesnt, you need to reliably squeeze as much out of each turn, as early as possible and consistently too.
Sorry, the only way to pull off that 3 turn play is to draw 2 caverns. Whereas champion, unruly mob, thatcher revolt is much less mana dependent and still a powerful turn 3 opening.
I wouldn't recommend creatures with 2 coloured mana costs. How are you meant to play champion then ash zealot? Or ash zealot then silverblade? Especially without sacred foundry in standard at the moment. The only way is to draw 2 cavern of souls.
This style deck definitely works, but you have to be careful as it can be so fragile with low toughness creatures. Personally, I normally tell people to remove it when I see it, but "Cathar's' Crusade" can work very well here as a finisher. Once you have it in play, thatcher revolt becomes a death blow card. I would drop an increasing devotion and an odric (you only need 3) to put 2 of them in. Also, as said above, unruly mob is a good 2-drop. It's an excellent candidate for soul bonding for first strike and it's easy to cast in dual colour as it only has 1W symbol. Not sure what you'd like to drop for them, probably traitorous blood (or sideboard it) a fervent and a mauler (3 is enough). Also, having malcontents means you can get away without using vigilante justice. The card that will do that (better) and give you some targeting protection is cloudshift. Drop all 3 and switch them for this. Once you have a malcontents in play, a 4 combo of thatcher and cloudshift can have the same effect anyway, but cloudshift is also very useful at other times to evade burn, removal and combat trickery to pull your creatures out of combat once blockers are declared. It also allows you to reassign your soul bond creatures if need be.
Yea, if you activate it to exile things on the stack then they won't get their buffs in the first place, so that defeats the point anyway... There's no way round it.
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