btw, this is the deck I play:
I would suggest Pyreheart Wolf instead of Kruin Outlaw. I also think Falkenrath Marauders is a bit too expensive I would add Signal Pest, it will make your deck even faster. Although your burn cards are pretty good, I don’t know it you can wait until you have 3 mana to cast them and clear the way for your creatures. Perhaps it needs to be faster, so you can burn turn 1 or turn 2 creatures. I think you should go for the trio, Galvanic Blast, Shock, Incinerate. I would take out Devil’s Play for two copies of Slagstorm or Whipflare. I know you want to proliferate with Volt Charge but if you clear the way for your creatures with low cost burn spells, you’ll be able to proliferate via Curse of the Stalked Prey. I could be totally wrong here so you should playtest this first. Like the deck btw. Red Burn/Aggro decks are really fun to play.
I would actually add 2 more lands instead of the Lab Maniac, Buried Ruin is a must here. Because perhaps with only 20 lands you might miss some land drops. Also with only 2 artifacts you are prone to artifact removal or need to keep up manaleak mana at all times only for protecting your artifacts. With only two artifacts you will get good use out of Shape Anew, but if someone destroyed your dagger, you’ll have 4 dead cards and will be forced to hardcast Elbrus. How is Curiosity working for you? Is it any good if not on the Stalker? Seems like you already have enough draw with Gitaxian Probe and Think Twice. A Delver of Secrets might be good here, it has a good synergy with the rest of your deck and you have enough spells to transform it pretty fast and it will give you another solid beater and target for Elbrus. Anyway, good luck with the deck!
No Drogskoll Captain? With the Terramorphics you ould splash for some blue
I like Necrotic Ooze at the 4 slot or Lumberknot, both can work fine with a Birthing Pod or I guess podding into a Phyrexian Obliterator/ Thrun, TLT is also pretty nice. Or you could go for a Solemn Simulacrum or a Skinrender both with great abilities.
Love the description and like the deck too. I would however cut the Sharpened Pitchfork, although it fits the theme perfectly, and add 3 Silver Inlaid Daggers. And I would substitute Harrowing Journey for Increasing Devotion.
I actually would like Strangleroot Geist in this deck.
And no Blighted Agent?
There are a lot of really good Merfolk decks on MTG Vault, most of them pretty hard on your wallet. I’ve tried to make one that is a bit more budgetfriendly and has the same strategy you are going for, +1+1 counters and islandwalk:
Platinum Angel seems kinda strange in this deck, because it totally negates the fact that you are trying to get as much life as you can. Also 7 mana is a lot, especially if you aren’t ramping or if you are not using mana accelerators. Also take out Ghostly Possession and add Recumbent Bliss, it will help you pump your Ajani's Pridemates. Check out my Lifegain deck:
I love playing Splicer, such great cards. I’ve made 2 different splicer/golem decks which I’ve been playing for the last months. One is rather slow, the other a bit speedier. Have a look at them: The only advice I can give you is that I feel that Maul Splicers 7 mana cost is too much. Although a pretty expensive card and not in the Golem theme is Wurmcoil Engine, it will also benefit greatly from your Tempered Steel and you could use it as a replacement for Maul Splicer. Again, not very walletfriendly, are the dual lands, which will be a great addition for this type of deck. And don’t forget Solemn Simulacrum is also a Golem and a fantastic card. Good luck with your deck!
I’m a fan of the Kor tribe too. My deck started out pretty budget, but it grew a little bigger over time: If there would be a budget need for Sun Titan, I would go with Argentum Armor. The same manacost as the Titan and works great with the Outfitter or the Armament Master. I would take out the Accorder shield and add 4 Bone Saw, since you’ll be sacrificing it at one point for your Piston Sledge, you’ll be able to equip it to the Duelist for 4 damage turn 2. Also I know the Trusty Machete is only a filler, but I’d fill it with Sylvok Lifestaff instead. Also dirt cheap and it’s faster than Trusty Machete. I like the Inquisitor's Flail and it can get pretty intimidating equipped to some Kors but I also have a lot of love for Trepanation Blade, it’s one manacost more to equip but it also works as removal, not a must but also pretty budget. I like the fact that you made a deck on a small budget looking forward to the other decks in your series.
I play a similar deck, mostly in multiplayer: I would take out Goldenglow Moth and add 4 of the soul sisters, will get you even more life especially in multiplayer. Good luck with the deck!
Maybe you can replace Silhana Ledgewalker with Aura Gnarlid? I would replace Armored Ascension with Rancor.
Valid point and good combo. If you’ll keep the blue, why not put in some more blue creatures? Will take care of some flying problems as well. Champion’s Drake is a good 2 drop and ofcourse Coralhelm Commander is a beast although both aren’t knights and won’t contribute to your theme.
Have a look at my tap deck: Every since I started playing it I’ve been racking up wins with it. Why do you sideboard your swords? I would put them main board for sure! I think you also should take out Suture Priest and add Blinding Mage instead. Same mana cost, but adding to the tapping theme. Auriok Edgewright is also out of place here, you’ll never get his metalcraft going. You could swap it for Gideon’s Avenger as a finisher or Blinding Souleater / Tumble Magnet for extra tapping. Smite is also never gonna fully work, because the key of your deck is not to block but to tap, so if you want removal for one mana, either go with Path to Exile or Codemn. I like the idea of building a tap deck as you can see from my own deck. Good luck with yours!
I’ve been trying to make a good Aura deck myself but have deconstructed the deck a number of times because I wasn’t satisfied with the way it played. I would advise you to play only 2 colors, I think your deck will be better if you drop the blue and go green/white. There are a number of good Aura’s that you aren’t playing and I would suggest including them in your deck: Armadillo Cloak, Angelic Destiny and Rancor. They work great in a Aura deck. As removal I like Crystalization, it is also an Aura an can therefore pump your Gnarlids. I’v been mostly trying to use small evasive creatures to put aura’s on, like Kor Spiritdancer, Silhana Ledgewalker and Gladecover Scout. Backed up by Yavimaya Enchantress and the Hartebeest and Mesa Enchantress to draw cards. Anyway, hope this helps. Good luck with your deck!
One of the first decks I made was a Knight deck, really fun theme and fun deck to play. I would make the following changes: -4 Knight of Cliffhaven -4 Venerated Teacher -1 Venser -4 Unsummon -1 Guardian’s Pledge -1 Cloud Crusader -1 Mamoth Umbra -2 Knight Captain of Eos +4 Contagion Clap +3 Honor of the Pure/ Time for Heroes +4 Journey to Nowhere/Path to Exile +2 Student of Warfare +1 Brave the elements +4 Bladed Pinions These changes should take care of some of the problems you might run into. It speeds up the deck by cutting down the manacost. Helps you proliferate the levelers and should take care of any flying threats through removal or Blades Pinions. Hope this helps and good luck with the deck!
Great tips Jestrix thanks! I will take out those Journeys and put in your suggestions. I've playtested it this weekend (in my casual group) and went 4-1 only lost to BR vampires (deck was too damn fast). I’ve already made some changes. Totally fogot about Wurmcoil Engine and it also generates tokens, so I took out Maul Splicer and put in 2 Wurmcoil Engines. Also my group suggested I try to fit in an Elspeth Tirel and/or a Garruk, Primal Hunter. A good idea but unfortunately I don’t have acces to those cards at this time. Thanks again, really solid advice!
I also like playing life-gain decks especially in multiplayer. This is the deck I play: Good luck with your deck!
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