While I do agree about adding Venser and cloudshift, I don't exactly like the idea of splashing green just for gaining level counters slightly faster, as I am already having trouble balancing the mana as it is.Thank you though!
I think he was saying that he only has one mana source for the black mana, of which he only has one in the deck. But all above people speak the truth, you need something good to use the Transmuter with, I would also like to add Darksteal Forge to the list. As for Tezzeret, both are good for artifact decks, but I would have one of both, just to cover my bases with win conditions.
Any artifact that produces mana, sol ring, thran dynamo, etc.
I know that you want to keep this budget friendly, but I would recommend getting a Kozilek, he is not only the lowest cost among the Titans, but he has the distinct advantage of drawing you four cards, which could either produce some new creatures, or even the missing parts of the Urza set. I know that the Titans are fairly expensive, but check local card stores when you can, I've seen them as low as 15$ at some, but they don't last long.Alos, adding a mana-rock or two in place of one of the quicksilver amulets would give you something to play in the early game when you're stuck defenceless.
Actually, through all the testing I've done so far, albeit on MTG Deck Builder, I have not been too flooded with mana. Even if an opening hand has 5 lands, and maybe one mana rock, I still only rarely get mana flooded, and those times I have the Obelisk to swap out the lands for draw. Not to mention that Eye of Ugin is only for making that last jump up the mana chain to an end game Eldrazi.
Kami of the Crescent Moon is a good card to add, additional draw and a creature for only two blue.
I had actually not thought of that. Thank you, I was looking for something to take out to add another card.
Since Vampire Nighthawk is for more of mid game as opposed to fast aggro, I would take out maybe two of them and a Rakdos for the Vexing Devils and add what you took out to the side to be subbed in in the event the first game goes a bit longer than expected. In addition, Hellrider is an OK card in terms of mid game aggro, it even works with Rakdos' ability.
I was not aware of that, thank you.
If you are just trying to make it standard, you might want to run Vexing Devil, a one drop red 4/1 that comes in unless your opponent pays 4 life. Also, if you are looking for haste, Ash Zelot is nice first strike and haste 2/2 for 2. I would also recommend Skullcrack and Mugging, as well as Tragic Slip for some good removal and a way around any fogs your opponent might have. These are just changes that my friend has in his Rakdos deck, and he seems to do well with it. Unless you are going for more of a mid-range Rakdos, in which case, I might recommend Exava or Carnival Hellstead.
While normally I would, Notion theif with lots of opponet draw tends to make people want to kill you, and the point of the deck is to make me seem harmless, and if that doesn't work, I play magus and blow the field up.
The point of Deathcult Rogue is generally to Cipher spells onto him, since he will most likely not be blocked. This deck makes him not as effective, since you only have one spell that Ciphers. If you do take one out, I would recommend Skyblinder Staff, it works well with Mirko Vosk. Either that, or add another Guild Mage for its first ability. I would even go so far as to add a Crypt Ghast so you will be able to drain mana into one of your 4 Mind Grinds.It's a good deck, I hope M14 and Theros will bode well for these types of deck, and that we do not get more Boros like cards.
The main problem I have encountered while playing discard is the issue of my opponents having an empty hand. While you seem to be going for a standard vib with this(in which case you do not get the fun of Megrim or Liliana's Caress), your Sire of Insanity would make it so that neither you nor your opponent gets to keep their hands. That being said, using Toil makes it so that your oppenents recieve cards in addition to having one turn to use them. However, there are other cards that can achieve the same reuslt. Sign in Blood does the exact same as Toil, but costs one less, Harrowing Journey might be a streach, as it costs five, but adds an additional card and loses an additional life for that card.While all these are well and good, the one hole in this plan is that you give your opponent a chance to use these cards because you can only cast these on your turn. Since you already have red in your plan, it would not be out of the question to add Hypersonic dragon to the mix, not only as a flying blocker and an additional source of damage himself, but it will allow you to flash cast your pain draw cards at your opponent's end step when the Sire's ability activates(you can do it in response), or you can do it after the Sire in order to set cards up for a Reap Intellect.Overall, in order to add these cards, you would have to remove other cards to keep the dreded 60 card maximum(because apparently having an extra three cards needs to be slimmed down). Here are my recommendations:Turn//Burn: Not very effective removal even if this were burn, because at most you are paying 5 to destroy one creature. Recommended removal of all 3.Dreadbore: While removal is not to nessissary for this deck, it can be useful. Recommended removal of only one.Reap Intelect: If the Sire is doing it's job, there will not be much to try to extract. Recommended removal of only one.Far//Away: See Turn//Burn. Recommended removal of 2.Mizzium/Cyclonic: See Dreadbore. Recommended removal of 1.Hope this helps, good luck!
While the Informer is a good way to hit lands, it relies on your creature with the ciphered call to stay alive, which makes a small hole is the large investment of this eight card plan. However, while your Balustrade Spies are nice flyers and can grind upon entering, they serve their purpose fairly quickly and thier use runs out and they are just more fodder for the Informant. This can be solved by adding Voidwalk to the deck. Since chances are you are pinning all your hopes on one ciphered Stalker, you might as well hit two birds with one stone. Flickering your own Spies after they deal combat damage will allow you to hit the grind at the end of turn, as well as have chump blockers for your opponents turn.Now comes the matter of fitting this in. The Nightveil Specter does not seem to serve a particular purpose, and therefore is replaceable. As well as one unsummon.Good Luck
Archive Trap is some nice mill, especially given it can be cast for 0 if your opponent does a common ability that searches.
True, thanks, that is good for grabbing them, I even thought of sadistic sacrament to grab them also. I usually let those slide because I run Lazav for those who run Eldrazi against mill.
While I have been trying to find a copy of Reckless One, I do have 4 Clickslithers, but decided to take them out in light of more verious golbins to take up room in the dekc.
I have found that Battle Hymn will give the result of a brightstone ritual, for only one more mana, in case any more ramp is needed. Quest for the Goblin Lord can also enhanse the damage of your golbins and can easily be activated even in late game.Seething Song on turn three will also line you up perfectly with a Goblin Rally
Ah, so it is, I hadn't played commander in a while, I had thought it was simply one added to the cost for each time it is casted from the command zone. Still, it was not about playability so much as "Wow, this can actually be a thing"
It does, but the whole deck does not have to. I pulls a good number of the proliferate spells in packs, after that all you need is a Tezzeret, then the engine starts and is hard to stop. The low cost artifacts are fairly cheap now that they are out of Standard. Most of the cost though is from the Mox Opals, and I don't think I may ever get one, just in there for functionality.
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