
130 Decks, 74 Comments, 14 Reputation

To compensate for the lack of draw Distant Melody would be good, it's a bit costly for this deck, but would be worth it if you have many slivers out.

Posted 04 December 2013 at 20:26 in reply to #417585 on Slivers of Bant


True, might be worth keeping after all. However, Doubling Cube does not seem to be very useful, seeing as you have nothing to sink your mana into other than Blue Sun Zenith.

Posted 04 December 2013 at 20:20 in reply to #417662 on Draw to death EDH


Carnifex Demon, Baneful Omen, Ætherling, and Myr Matrix do not really fit the theme of card draw or do not have enough supporting cards to be worth running.

Posted 04 December 2013 at 19:11 in reply to #417662 on Draw to death EDH


If you are working on getting your more important artifacts out of your deck, Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas might be worth it, which your number of artifacts, you are almost always going to hit an artifact with his +1.

Also, you might want to put in precautions in the even you draw out: 1. Laboratory Maniac, if you draw out, you win. 2. Elixir of Immortality, to reset your deck if it comes to that.

Sword of War and peace would work well for you, as it can both gain you a great deal of life, and deal lots of damage if your opponents keep their hands full, Anvil of Bogardan will make it so that they do not have to discard down to 7, and will add to the draw aspect.

Creatures that are bigger the more cards you have are also good, Sturmgeist, Soramaro, First to Dream, Kagemaro, First to Suffer, Promise of Power, and Aeon Chronicler.

Also, Archmage Ascention, if you can keep the card draw up, can drastically change the state of a game if it gets to 6, and since EDH games tend to go on for a while, you most likely will.

Good luck!

Posted 04 December 2013 at 17:42 as a comment on Draw to death EDH


Again, thanks for the help, it was a little confusing.

Posted 06 November 2013 at 17:42 in reply to #409839 on Rise of the Rats


It appears you are right, thank you, I did not realize that it was the case for the whole card, and not just the CMC

Posted 06 November 2013 at 17:34 in reply to #409839 on Rise of the Rats


An interesting combo, however I would not like to risk giving my opponents boosted mana if I get out my Gauntlet of Power

Posted 06 November 2013 at 17:31 in reply to #409838 on Rise of the Rats


So far, I have only done some tests in games with 3 or 4 people, in which I tend to use my rats as more of walls and just wait for my mana boosters(caged sun, crypt ghast, possibly Liliana) and then exsanguinate or consume spirit for the win. If my rats gain enough board advantage, I drop Marrow-Gnawer and swing with a bunch of rats with fear.

I still need to try it in a 1v1 game, but I think it might not be as powerful if my opponent starts with any early game removal.

Posted 06 November 2013 at 13:57 in reply to #409636 on Rise of the Rats


I had completely forgot about artifacts like Coat of Arms and Door of Destinies, thank you. However, I cannot add Immortal Servitude to the deck as I do not have a commander that is both Black and White, therefore I cannot use any cards with hybrid mana.

Posted 06 November 2013 at 13:50 in reply to #409696 on Rise of the Rats


A good way to keep your opponents from stomping your face in is Ensnaring Bridge, since you can empty your hand fairly quickly.

The Transmuter might also be worth mainboarding so you can bounce out Nodes for your higher cost artifacts, which will also replenish the Node's charge counters.

Posted 01 November 2013 at 18:46 as a comment on Charging the reactor


The only problem I can see with the deck is that if you run out of sac material, then your engine runs dry, even if you have gained a few demons in the process, any deck with half decent kill spells or burn will chew through them. A good card for getting your sac fodder back is Gravepurge, you can use it to bring back any number of creatures, and you get to draw one of them immediately. Personally, I would remove disembowel, as you have plenty of kill spells as it is and that one is neither cheap(if your using it for anything worthwhile) nor does it gain you life. Hope this helps, good luck!

Posted 31 October 2013 at 00:18 as a comment on 5/5 demon combo


Thanks for the input, I decided that the Champion Drake, while a good 4/4 flyer late game, was not worth 3 of, I also toned down the draw spell by one due to me having an abundance of draw with the chronoligist and switched it out with one where I can draw an extra card and use phyrexian mana. I then upped the number of Masters and Students by one each, Thanks for the Help!

Posted 30 October 2013 at 19:05 in reply to #408150 on The next level


Kabira, Halimar, Caravan, Ikiral. That's 4/6 of his levelers that it effects.

As to the deck, I like it, could you take a look at mine and give some advice, I want it to work well.

Posted 30 October 2013 at 17:59 in reply to #408136 on Level it UP


Actually, the rack deals damage to a play each of their upkeeps equal to 3 minus the number of cards in their hand, ex. 0 cards in hand, 3 damage. I think you were thinking of black vice.

Posted 24 October 2013 at 12:55 in reply to #406629 on Grixis Discard FTW


If you plan on forcing them to draw more cards, then you might want to add an Underworld Dreams, you can first turn Dark Ritual it out, and it will keep harming them passively.

If you also want to force some draw, Browbeat can allow you to do that with a nice painful choice, lose 5 life, or risk discarding 3 cards for a life loss of potentially 6 or more.

If you face a lot of control decks that can keep drawing or getting rid of your enchantments to stay alive for a while, you might consider putting a Cruel Ultimatum or two in the sideboard.

Posted 24 October 2013 at 12:53 as a comment on Grixis Discard FTW


Yes, this is an EDH/Commander deck, for the upcoming Commander set, it uses one of the new commanders from the set.

Posted 24 October 2013 at 12:46 in reply to #406630 on 1,2,3 KEEP DRAWING!


No comment on the deck, jest letting you know one of your tags says "Mono Green"

Posted 22 October 2013 at 15:24 as a comment on black market


I liked the idea of adding the Overseer and Map, so I cut the steed and the a few other mana rocks to add those, Everflowng Chalice, and a Walking Atlas for faster increase of mana pools.

Posted 26 September 2013 at 18:08 in reply to #399314 on Completely Colorless


Since most of your birds are little 1/1s, I recommend Gravitational Shift

Posted 26 September 2013 at 14:15 as a comment on birds 2.0


I find that the leveling up is at a good pace as it is , not to mention I don't want to spend too many spells/abilities on the teacher, even if I do have a full set of them, the odds of him getting removed are a little to great, as most people will focus on him at the first sign of bouncing. Still, thank you for your input and help.

Posted 13 September 2013 at 14:12 in reply to #396608 on The next level


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