blue and white good stuff style decks are awesome xD nice job here.
I like this one just as much as the other. life's finale is almost like damnation and sadistic sacrament put together, so nice touch. hymn to tourach is a boss, and horrifying revalation is also deserves a spot in this kind of deck. however, it lacks phyrexian arena. it's hard to put enough stress on the importance of that card here, as you need the card advantage to plow over your opponent.
put in orim's chant or silence for extra trollery :D
this deck is surprisingly potent at first look, it seems to reliant, but doing some sample draws, and looking at the tutors that work with these cards, it seems ridiculous how easy it is to either get a win combo, or gain infinite life and stall to until you can get a win combo. nice deck.
swans of burn aggro?
I decided to go both on tokens and counters. casting a thrive on a field of tokens is insane, especially with cards like plaguemaw beast and volt charge proliferating them. I need some help on the tokens. seeing goblin offensive made me laugh though xD.
the name Bob is from Bob Maher (I think that was it), who won that tournament that let him design a card. some unfairly good cards have come from that. (e.g. snapcaster, confidant, simulacrum)
oh, lol, I didn't see the dates on those comments >.> also, it had been posted on sometime between anyway. really the point was that I looked on kaim's profile, and it was like the first thing I saw.
lol, bloodbraid elf and heartless summoning made me laugh... anyways, perhaps giant ambush beetle in place of thrinax? just a thought, it might work...
I want to clear this up: I am not against this thought, but putting it on the front page leads newer players to believe that there is a right way to build a deck, and in reality, there isn't. if youdon't want to look at someone's 42 card deck, don't, but don't lose your shit over someone posting one, and don't go talking about yourself saying that you do everything right. if you want to be in tournament play, sure, here's a good piece of advice, but it isn't supreme law. I've seen this thread's poster say once that cards with good synergy win games, so by that logic, shouldn't a really good designed be able to make a deck that doesn't rely on drawing a single card or one of a few cards needed to win? likely one of the most versatile decks that I've seen was at a local card store, where someone had a deck with cards that gave him multiple winning conditions, but fueled whatever cause he was aiming for regardless of what cards he drew. good deck design -does- include cards with synergy, but in a well designed deck, you don't need to draw any particular cards because any combination will do. tl;dr version: decks rely on strategy, and a well designed deck can have many different cards, while still not relying on any particular combinations. having more of a card is good, but not strictly needed in a well designed deck.
I don't completely disagree that good deckbuilding requires some cash, however, I don't like that being pushed on people.people should advance at their own pace, and some people are just rude about it.
yes everyone should do everything like you! you people sicken me, this should be a place where people can post as they wish, not a place where newer players feel unwelcome due to entitled idiots telling people that they are "wrong", when in reality, they are just newer to the game.
I honestly think this should be removed. the huge amount of controversy is a huge problem, considering the name draws in newer players, and that leads to confusion among new players. now that it hit the front page, there are going to be a lot of newer players coming here and getting confused over what is right due to the conflicting opinions. that is not to mention that newer players will be drawn away from a game if they think that they are unwelcome because they don't understand the game too well, and people are telling them what to do. the major issue here is that there is no right side to the argument. both sides have rights and wrongs, but are also true in their own ways. This has really just become a major debate, and telling people what to do is no way to introduce someone to a game. part of what I love about magic is the community.I got into this game because people were calm and patient when I was new, and respected my opinion, even if it was wrong. telling people that they need to spend $100 to have a good deck is not only misleading, but also drives people away, so we are really doing a disservice to those people. to newer players reading this. please do things your way. if you truly get into this game, you will be more willing to spend more money on a better deck, but for now, being casual is fine. if you find that you don't like it as much as we do, then good for you. you don't need to drop your wallet on a deck unless you truly want to. enjoy magic, and don't let the arguments sway you in either direction.
if it is their first made from spare cards, perhaps they don't have a playset of some really rare card that they pulled by luck? and maybe you can be obsessed with the game, but some people play just a small amount, and -no- new player is going to have enough dedication to the game to save up for a few expensive cards, just because some perfectionist on a website told them to. the "I just save up" thing is just stupid for said reasons, and because some people just don't have much money, or have prior prerequisets to meet for their spending. don't expect everyone to do things your way. pull your head out.
it irks me a little when you use "allot" rather than "a lot", as allot means something completely different. otherwise, I completely agree with this
I'm sure he had all the berst intentions, but the fact is, he's a smug and generally rude person. he thinks he's all that ( "I've built a jund deck in 5 minutes that was better than this", "you obviously know nothing about me or how long I played so keep stupid comments like that aside" , "For someone who thinks they know what they are saying, you have no idea what actually wins games", need i list everything he ever said?) I even took the liberty of looking into his decks to see if he was really the epitome of perfection as he felt that he was, the first thing I saw was him yelling about how new people aren't doing things right, and all sorts of "I am perfect and everyone else should accommodate to that" bullshit. the guy has some serious social problems, and maybe he is god like he acts, but he doesn't have to be so rude over it. I mean, you can disagree with something, but let people do things their way, whether it is "right" or not. it isn't going to hurt you.
too situational, and overall not worth it since galvanoth isn't really useable alone.
Look everyone! it's an idiot who can't use apostrophes or properly use exclamation points!
I was looking through old decks, and this clearly shows that you sir, are an troll. If some noob wants to post a deck with random card counts and no organization, more power to them, they should be allowed to enjoy it without some perfection nazi getting to tell them that they did it "wrong". I for one, used to think that my 70 card unorganized decks were the best things ever, and I know that they are shit now, but I can at least relate to other people. posting a pointless deck solely to bitch about people doing things their own way, be it "wrong" or not, is just plain rude. let people do what they want. this isn't your website. if you want to go make a website for people who make decks that don't disturb your aura of perfection, go right ahead, but don't be an ass about it here.
annnd... that is bad how? last I heard, an uncounterable 5/5 for 1RGG is preet damn good. . I personally don't think it deserves a spot here, but you don't see me losing my pants over it. if you're too stuck up to let people build their own damn decks, then simply leave, we don't want you here.
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