I would, if I actually had the Jaces..
Spreading seas is such an under rated card..
Thinking about taking lullmage out. Kinda useless
Don't be stupid. This deck is not standard legal.
You really don't get the point to Fetch Lands, do you?
Putting Two or Three Quests for the Holy Relic wouldn't be too stupid to put in this deck, since a lot of your creatures are cheap and that you have the Squadron Hawks
Do you realize how amazing Glissa would be in this deck?
DOJ Lolilolz
http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146030 If you have anymore suggestions to finalize this deck, I'd be very happy. It's the deck I'm using for Game Day (this Saturday)
Might pull one land to put in a last Vampires Bite or Virulent Swipe. Feel like I'm seeing more land than them, which frustrates me. I only need three mana to play 90% of my deck. Not gonna hurt to take out one or two lands to speed stuff up
Go check out this Merfolk deck I'm trying to make; http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=154213
They slow down the deck ;) You don't wanna keep drawing them constantly. That's why you wanna have 3; 3 cards out of 60 gives you a good chance to play it every game, but at the same time allows you to not draw too many of them and lets you draw another Land instead of it.
6-1'ed a Knight Deck that my friend is making for Game Day, last night at FNM
First of all, I'm glad my deck inspired you :) And then, I just wanna add that I will never be spending my mana on Corrupted Conscience in this deck. Come to think about it, I might Sideboard it for a fattie deck, but I usually spend my mana on buffing up my creatures. Thanks for the suggestion though :)
The fact that it's Green or Black doesn't matter that much. If the guy is gonna Lightning Bolt your Plague Stinger, it doesn't matter if you cast Giant Growth or Distortion Strike, the thing will still die because Lightning will be on the stack. Last in, First out. That's how instants go
I don't see how ONE Copperhorn Scout could help at all? You're always just gonna randomly draw it.. I'd take it out and add a 4th Lead the Stampede? Besides that, looks pretty fun :)
I'm pretty sure you meant Turn the Tide and not Turn Aside? ;)
Yeah, the deck is working very well right now. And I've thought about the Verdant Catacomb. I'm going to put 4 of them in my deck if I can find someone to let me borrow them by game day. And no, I don't feel like swapping out the drowns for evolvings. If there happens to be a game where I don't even draw an adventuring gear, I lose the speed for nothing. And yes, I play test this deck almost everyday, and I do happen to have rare occasions where I don't pull out creatures, but even without those, I sometimes swing with the Inkmoths for 5-6. So I'm not TOO worried about that.
Standard deck.
Alright, I see what you're sayin'. I thought about it, and since I took out Thrummingbirds, I guess I can afford taking out Tainted Strike and therefore Creeping Tar Pit. I might put in 2 Refuges and 1 extra Drowned Catacomb.. Then put in.. 3 Vampire's Bite Ty for the suggestions again
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