Thank you to all of you for the comments and the suggestions. I've thought a lot about what you've been telling me and have been trying out many different things. I took out Mana Leak cuz, even though the card is good, it's just not a good idea in an aggro deck where you're trying to use all your mana on creatures and combos. I kept Into the Roil in for a bit of control, and Doom Blade for removal. It's been doing good and I've been pulling some crazy combos with these Adventuring Gears + Fetchland + Phyrexian Crusaders.
I wanted to, but I can't since it'll be a Phyrexian deck for Game Day.
Have you thought of Horrifying Revelation?
I was just about to get on to tell you guys that I'm switching the Distortion Strikes out to put in Virulent Swipe. The reason I'd rather take Distortion out is because: 1. Tainted Strike, like you said, helps a LOT with my creature, even non infect. 2. Imagine a Phyrexian Crusader -> With Virulent Swipe, it's a First Strike Deathtouch, so it's or you lose your creature for sure, or you don't block it and take an extra -2 Poison Counters. Whereas, with Distortion, it's straight up one extra -1 counter (And with rebound). So overall, I personnally think Virulent > Distortion. 3. Tainted Strike is part of many of my combos, can't afford to take it out.
If you put down a Mirran Crusader, I can't to much either.
Looks real nice. I'm pretty sure it could be fun to play. Proxy it
And all 4 of everything else that you have at 3x
Like that you can have all 4 Lightning Bolts
You're always supposed to see Fetch lands as Dual lands. They just simply thin out your deck, and that's why they're awesome. I put two in my U/B Deck just to thin it out.
I didn't notice you had so many lands. You don't need 31 of them. Take 3 Moutains out and 4 Plains out and you're good. Running 24 lands sounds more reasonable..
Never considered that. But I don't know what I'd take out for it. The idea doesn't sound dumb though
Switched Distortion Strikes with Preordains for them to be on the Mainboard. Gonna see how it works out. I'll be sad to lose that drawing power, but since this is more of an aggro deck, might as well
If you're red > ALWAYS add Lightning Bolts.
Looks amazing! Would try out if I had the cards haha. Might proxy it for fun :)
I'm actually thinking about putting Distortion strike in my Sideboard. I don't know against which deck I'd add it in for, but it could be useful. The only reason it's not in here right now is because I'd rather have Tainted Strike that Distortion. Because Thrummingbirds/ Creeping Tar Pits are AMAZING with Infect.. And I don't know what I'd pull out to put that in instead. My deck works pretty amazingly & surprisingly good as it is. Thanks for the suggestion though, I appreciate it :)
Oh don't worry, I believe you. I've seen something like that haha. The guy who was playing against the Carnifex didn't look too happy. Btw, Thrummingbirds are amazing. Thrummingbird + Tainted Strike = +2 Poison Counter + 1 Proliferate = 3 Poison Counters
The only actual reason I run Black Sun in this deck is because I'm prolly going to be playing against a lot of Battlecry decks at the Game Day event. Battlecry creatures have very poor toughness. Besides, I can simply Into the Roil Hand of the Praetor, Black Sun for 1, pop him back out next turn, etc. I'm also gonna sideboard 2 other Black Suns for more threatening decks like Elf decks (the one my friend is playing at this moment. He pops out an amazing amount of elves. Black Sun that crap and he's screwed over, I won't be sad to lose my Ichorclaw Myr) Also, something else, if I use Black Sun and wipe EVERYONE'S board, I'll more than likely have Inkmoths out. Pop Black Sun, next turn start attacking an empty field with Inkmoth. I like your Carnifex Demon idea, but I've never been a big fan of that card.
Nope, don't forget the Inkmoth Nexus. They become artifacts until end of turn. Many times I just use Tezz's ability to look for my Ichorclaws, if they aren't already on the field. I've won thanks to him many times. Plus, I only have 2 of him in my deck. No biggie
Hey bro! Go check out my deck I told you about the other time! I think it's almost ready for Game Day :D
Also, go check out my friend's Battlecry deck he is making for Gameday.
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