there we go :)
And yes what Ded said... its standard so unfortuantly I cannot use Beast Within :(
Alright took your advice!
also im guessing u meant clinging mists instead of lost in the mist
Alright I took most of your advice, how does it look now?
kind of want to put rancors in here but dont kno what to take out
i was thinking of fog bank but i wouldnt want to pair it with silverhearts, joint assualt mightve been decent but the only thing that pairs is the silverheart and i will def put in wild defiance
Crusader and Geist-Honored Monk are my 2 biggest hitters since I usually have a board of 8-9 creatures turn 4 usually. I never seem to have mana problems either since the draw power is so strong with 21 lands.
hmmm i finally been able to click on a deck amazingly without it going awol!
I like the blood artist and bloodgift demon idea so im going to use those, I still like scorned villager more, because i have moonmist for it if i need it, also I have no way to mill myself or the opponent to get lands into the graveyard to use the card for mana. I did throw Deathrite Shaman into the sideboard tho because he would be good against decks that use flashback or snapcaster mage.
the moonmist is only to do the same thing as fog XD mostly wanted the decoy so i can all out swing and they cant block the damage
bah i did not notice that >.> thanks for pointing that out
yea its the priest that does the infinite mana loop with lich haha
I would recommend going with either blue or green with infect. Blue if you want more control or green if you want more damage. is my infect deck
What would u suggest I take out for it? Standard G/U deck would really like any advice how to make it better ty!
I find a green stuffy doll deck works awesome with Ulvenwald Tracker works like an unlimited prey upon as long as the creature doesnt die
Thank you, while i like fling for the extra damage it brings me, i also dont like it cause its a one time sacrifice card that i need 5 mana to use (for the steal and the fling).
I like both your idea's but its currently a standard deck so I cant use those cards :(
I have a similar deck as well Restoration angel's do help its also fun have more combat tricks because of restoration angel
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