I have a similiar deck XD I seem to have a problem with people killing my sacrifice creature though in response to me sacrificing the creature if u find how to get around that lmk :) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=358052
great suggestions i mostly just had gravecrawlers in there because i had the liches, girafs and mikaeus in there as other zombies
Theres so many cards I keep thinking of using >.> Ill just keep putting them in the sideboard
I do have the Deranged Assistant and the Mulch to help me out with mana, as well as thought scour to help me draw more mana
I just took out the trading posts for the vapor snags
Thank you for the suggestion! Sounds like a great idea!
Thank you :) I've been play testing it so changed a few things still trying to get it stronger XD
Can I ask why use reverberate over increasing vengeance? They both cost the same the first time to cast but lets just say for some reason the game goes on longer then expected (I know it doesnt happen often) then increasing vengeance is the better card isnt it? I just dont see any reason to use reverberate over increasing vengeance >.>
all awesome suggestions only problem is this is a standard deck XD so I can't use most of those cards lol
the faithless looting is in there just to discard the wraths into my GY if that happens but i get what ur saying XD
i didnt think i needed the cavern of souls either but when i was facing my friends delver deck i found how vulnerable i was to mana leaks and it helped me out greatly
thats a very good idea actually thank you!
I was using a deck similar to this and the Lord of the Unreals (especially if you phantasmal image them) will protect your illusions.
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