Very cool deck. I've read a little about Tiny Leaders and it seems like a neat format. Coastal Piracy is fun (at least in EDH). Bred for the Hunt should get you a similar effect. I noticed you have a lot of ramp. Have you tried Scute Mob or Vinelasher Kudzu?Edit: Also, Thrummingbird and Gyre Sage worth considering.
Thanks for the clarification.
"Got a Planeswalker? I've got a few Mind Controls!" Sorry, I don't play with planeswalkers often. Does Mind Control work on them? I was under they impression they were not creatures.
"Some bombos are understandable: They work if you use the wordings on the card. But we all know those don't count. If you're tiptoeing across the timing tightrope, you've got to consult Oracle. Filbert Grettularsh sent in this out-of-date doozy: Here's a first turn Serra Avatar kill that is not completely impossible to pull off: [Oh, the irony. –MG] Play Swamp, Dark Ritual. Entomb a Serra Avatar, then in response to its shuffle-into-library ability, use Shallow Grave to bring it into play with haste. Attack for 20 and win!! Wrong! Serra Avatar's “shuffle into library” ability has been changed from a triggered ability (as it was printed) to a replacement ability (as it is in Oracle). So the Avatar can never possibly be in your graveyard, and thus it can never possibly be reanimated." Still a cool idea though.
Hey... you're cool. ;-)
Update: I switched out Ponder with Wordly Tutor. I finally got a chance to try the deck against regular Magic players only just last weekend. It was a pentagram game and after a series of steady losses with my other decks, I finally played this one and ended up with the win. I still have yet to try it in a two player game though.
Have you thought about Fire Whip? It might work well with Pilli-Pala.
Cool deck. You may already be aware, but It looks like you have Sol Ring in there twice.
It seems like heartless summoning would start to become less useful around turn 5 or 6 when you have your lands down and your hand has emptied out. If it was me I'd consider using disenchant over dispatch.
Indeed, it's raining men. Hallelujah :)
I'm glad you have successfully come up with ways to get Laboratory Maniac from the graveyard onto the field. Looks like a great deck!
Wow, I hadn't seen Balefire Dragon yet. The artwork is really cool.
Thanks for commenting! Sheoldred, Whispering One is a great card. Its expensive, but it does fit the style deck perfectly. I'll play around with it tonight in Magic Workstation, and I'll see if it works for my deck. I'll definitely reconsider Innocent blood. usually I have a Bloodghast in play when I cast it (Bloodghast also works with Kalastria Highborn). Between Smallpox and Innocent Blood, I can keep sacrificing Bloodghast over and over again. I have been considering adding more edicts, though, so i'll try it both ways. Thanks again for your input. Good luck with your deck. I wouldn't be surprised if it makes first page.
I like it a lot. Its very similar to my sacrifice deck, although I suspect yours is better. The only card I'd consider dropping is Fume Spitter. I know its great sacrifice fodder for your Smallpox, but I'm just not sure if you're going to see much benefit of weakening creatures you're probably going to end up forcing your opponent to sacrifice anyway. The deck would run great with 61 cards. However, if you are looking for another 1 CC creature, you might consider Carrion Feeder. With Bloodghast and Nether Traitor you have a lot of recyclable creatures. Put them to use by making Carrion Feeder huge!
Very neat concept. I have a deck that uses a lot of the same cards. Have you considered trying out Vengeful Pharaoh or Golgari Thug?
Thank you so much!
Looks like you might be short a couple of cards there champ :)
Glimpse of nature is a neat card. I'm looking for ways to incorporate a better draw mechanic in my sliver deck so I'll definitely try it out. I agree that running basic lands- even with Gemhide Sliver and prismatic omen- might make things a little difficult for you. Fetch lands/dual lands are great. I found using nonbasics like Thran Quarry, City of Brass, Ancient Ziggurat to be a little more economical for my situation. You have a good choice in slivers. It seems like with all the sinews/muscles/legions/coat of arms, your slivers are going to be pretty big. You may not even need the toxin (or the talon sliver). With such beefy slivers you might be better served with Horned Sliver and Virulent Sliver and/or Brood Sliver. Overall, very cool deck. Glad to see another Sliver fan. Good luck with it!.
I'd throw in Arid Mesa to get to your Squadron Hawks faster.
I'm glad I was able to help. Thank you for commenting!
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