
114 Decks, 50 Comments, 2 Reputation

Update: Benched Muscle Sliver in favor of Heart Sliver. The reason for this is:

Turn 1: City of Brass, Aether Vial
Turn 2: Ancient Ziggurat, Heart Sliver
Turn 3: Thran Quarry, Gemhide Sliver (via Aether Vial), Sliver Queen/Sliver Overlord/Sliver Legion

This could also be achieved using a 1 CC sliver so I'm considering replacing Heart Sliver in favor of Virulent Sliver and dropping Ponder in favor a higher casting cost spell.

Posted 30 August 2011 at 17:27 as a comment on Rainbow Slivers- Bottomless money pit


Very awesome. I like a lot of choices you made. I would suggest Clot Sliver over Crypt Sliver, though. Granted, the art isn't as awesome, but a) Clot Sliver will give you more benefit out of Training Grounds and b) you can't have Crystalline Sliver out and use Crypt Sliver's ability at the same time.

I like your choice in lands. I use a similar set. However, I do want to warn you Undiscovered Paradise can be a beast to manage. I eventually traded it out for Mirrodin's Core. If you can make it work for you more power to you, but I didn't find the drawback worth it.

Posted 30 August 2011 at 02:21 as a comment on sliver attempt


Update: I've taken out Perilous Myr in favor of Vengeful Pharaoh. At first I wasn't sure if it met the deck concept, but I've tested it out, and having another recyclable creature card- especially a high end one- made the deck play much better.

Posted 30 August 2011 at 01:48 as a comment on Like Lambs to the Slaughter


Very cool deck. I do agree with the last two comments though. If it was me, I'd take out some of the more situational slivers (Darkheart Sliver, Ghostflame Sliver, Essence Sliver, etc) in favor of more non-basic lands. In a creature heavy deck, Ancient Ziggurat and (Thran Quarry) almost have no downside. The more the better :)

I know its pricey right now, but I think you'd get more benefit out of one Sliver Legion than two Coat of Arms. Keep in mind, Coat of Arms benefits your opponents's creatures too so if you're playing another tribal deck, Coat of Arms might actually be a bit of a headache. Sliver Legion does the same thing, but also gives you a 7/7 creature to play with. With homing slivers/sliver overlord you shouldn't have too much issue eventually getting it out.

Finally, if you haven't tried out aether vial yet, definitely give it a shot. You have a lot of creatures around the same mana cost. Aether vial can help you get them out quicker.

Posted 22 August 2011 at 21:31 as a comment on Le Sliver 2.0


Nice deck. I like archive trap a lot. I've always thought it would work well with Ghost Quarter.

Posted 21 August 2011 at 22:34 as a comment on Milly mill mill


Well, Prophetic Prism won't actually add more mana. It allows you to swap out your red mana for another color. The draw effect is nice, but there' a ton of red and artifact options that might be more cost effective. I like Accelerate or Balduvian Rage.

I'm not sure if I understand your reasoning for Dragonskull Summit, but if you're looking for a land that comes in tapped, Teetering Peaks seems like a popular option.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 23:53 in reply to #193557 on Dragon Rush


Cool deck. I'm a big dragon fan too. It seems to me that cards like Prophetic Prism and Dragonskull Summit don't real benefit a mono red deck much. You may want to explore other options.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 12:19 as a comment on Dragon Rush


Spirit of Resistance is a really neat card. I'm going to have to see if I can fit that into my sliver deck. I admire your bravery building the deck with only basic lands. I agree with Alzorius. Training Grounds + Sliver Queen sounds sick.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 02:57 as a comment on sliver


My nightmares usually involve a lady clown and an unresolved paternity test. Stil, looks like a scary deck. Best of luck with it!

Posted 17 August 2011 at 17:24 as a comment on Its your fuckin nightmare! lol no1 report me plz


Update: Purchased all the cards in my my last revision. I replaced Spinning Top for Ponder. I may go ahead and buy Spinning Top later on, but for now this is the deck.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 15:36 as a comment on Rainbow Slivers- Bottomless money pit


Crucible of Fire has definitely proved to be a worthwhile addition. Thanks again to beyondallreason for the advice.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 13:52 as a comment on Mono red dragon themed deck.


Update: Disregard that last revision. I was literally drunk when I made it. I'm very excited about this new deck. I'm using hunter sliver to force enemy creatures to take the effect from toxin sliver. Talon sliver assures that the blocker is destroyed before the attacking sliver takes damage. My sincere thanks to the countless other players who discovered this combo before me. I hope to put their ingenuity to good use.

II'm a little concerned about how vulnerable my creatures are to spells like lightning bolt so I'm adding more crystalline slivers to my deck. Shroud on all my creatures is pretty neat.

I think it'll be a stronger deck, but the downside is that this is going to be an expensive update. I still have to get the reflecting pools, and toxin slivers are hard to find. I'm weighing the cost effectiveness of Sensei's Divining Top- in test play I was getting out slivers a lot faster, but I don't know if they're worth 10-15 bucks a pop. It might take me a couple of months to get everything. Hopefully, I won't get bored with the concept and go in another direction after I'm already half invested.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 13:49 as a comment on Rainbow Slivers- Bottomless money pit


Update: I've spent a bit more cash. I've reduced the mana curve on the deck in an attempt to make it faster. I've tried to mainly stick to two mana cost creatures to put less stress on my aether vials.

My new focus is to increase the size of my slivers. Its a little straightforward, but hopefully it'll score me the occasional win.

Posted 14 August 2011 at 02:57 as a comment on Rainbow Slivers- Bottomless money pit


If you're not sold on white, I would imagine graft cards would work well with an arcbound deck.

Posted 11 August 2011 at 00:56 as a comment on Arcbound


Very cool deck. If it was me, I'd either forgo the black entirely or embrace it more by adding black cleatures like Bladewing the Risen, Vampiric Dragon, Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon, etc. Perhaps consider adding some lower cost creatures that match your theme like Kargan Dragonlord, Hell's Thunder, or even Skitter of Lizards (which I find hilarious in a dragon deck) to hold you over until you get a chance to put those higher cost mana ramp cards into play.

Posted 10 August 2011 at 12:51 as a comment on Death by Dragons


Good idea. I've been considering it, but I'm worried it might slow down what has been a relatively fast deck for me. I'll throw a couple in and see how it goes. Thanks for the advice!

Posted 10 August 2011 at 00:41 in reply to #190310 on Mono red dragon themed deck.


I was curious so I priced this deck. All together, it came to about $20 (not including lands). Very nice value. It looks like it would be a lot of fun to play as well.

Posted 09 August 2011 at 20:30 as a comment on A common enemy


I find Myr Battlesphere hilarious. I don't know why.

Posted 09 August 2011 at 14:35 as a comment on myr my true love


Very cool. Did you build this deck concept from cards you already own?

Posted 09 August 2011 at 13:37 as a comment on First ever deck. What do you think?


Very cool deck. I especially liked the lands you used. I wasn't aware of Reflecting Pool. I'm definitely going to have to add that to my sliver deck.

Posted 09 August 2011 at 13:07 as a comment on sliver explosion


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