You can get out one of the 3 creatures in the deck on turn 4 or 5 is you play it right. If you turn 3 Growth spasm, have Khalni Garden as one of your first 3 lands, or play Garruk, you can polymorph one of the tokens next turn and get one of Blightsteel Colossus, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, or Iona Shield of Emeria since there are no other creatures for you to hit off Poly morph. If you draw one of those into hand there are still two others you can polymorph into. You can also cast See Beyond to shuffle one from your hand back into your deck.
Thanks for advice, I still don't know all the cards in NPH, after read what Apostle's Blessing does i am going to have to find a place for it in the deck :P.
you should not run Barren Glory, run The Cheese Stands Alone.
First of all: This deck is not standard. The current standard consists of: Zendikar block, Magic 2011, and the first two sets of the Scars of Mirrodin Block. Now about the deck it's self: I would replace Doom Blade with Go for the Throat, there are a few other minor changes I would make, but it looks like a fun deck A side note (which well get me a lot of hate): Okay although the deck looks kind of fun, I would not call it "Tournament Quality", it today's meta game if one is running blue 4 Jace,the mind Sculptor's is needed, it is sad, but it is true. To compete in most tournaments you either need 4 jace's or a deck built to deal with jace (almost all the of the former and none of the latter) until Zendikar is out of Standard you are going to be needing 4 jace's. Good Luck with the deck :)
well shit, now i have to make a protoss deck.
Maybe add Dark Tutelage, your mana curve is really low. although you will lose a bit of life, the extra card draw is nothing to laugh at, and add some viscera seer's to not only lose less life to Dark Tutelage but also as a way to get rid of your Abyssal Persecutor, or to get any creature you control onto your mimic vat. Just what I would do with the deck, Fetch lands also wouldn't hurt. Good luck with the deck :)
2/2 can do a lot of damage when you have no land or cards in hand.
I though about running 3 stoneforge, I don't think there are enough targets for sun titan to be good.
I find with three I can always get it out. Jace digs through the deck well explore and the fetch lands thin the deck out.
Glad you asked! you basicly float enough mana with black lotus, moxen, Krark-Clan Ironworks, and Timetwister to Braingeyser them to death, almost alway a turn 1 2 or 3 win
give the deck i would use Acidic Slime over Mitoic Slime, it destroy more of their lands
Splash blue for Frost Titan and Spreading seas, after you force you can keep there lands tapped down with the titan and keep them off colour w/ the Seas. take a look at my RUG Force deck, kinda the same idea.
this makes me remember my friends Pelakka-Jump deck, it took out Pelakka wurm to make is pauper.
Drew a sample hand, got turn one Demigod of Revenge, via 2 Rite of Flame and a Seething Song. You sir, are doing it right.
F*ck rares!
The acidic Slime and spreading seas are great vs most decks in the format, the also stops Valakut Ramp dead in it's tracks. vs blue black control they can keep them off black mana and kill the Creeping Tar Pit, one of the main ways you die to blue black control. vs U/W control dose the same thing to the celestial colonnade. vs any multi colour deck (also known as every deck but WW quest in the format) you can completly keep them off their second colour by destroying lands, making them islands, or fatesealing them w/ Jace.
did you read the deck description? "I haven't played in 10 years and i just started again" do you expect them to have 4x the new cards? it's hard to get back into the game, it is a good deck for getting back into the game. if you look at the intro packs then run a lot of singles so players can get to know more cards. for the deck it's self, it seems like a fun idea, blue black is always fun. Have fun re-exploring the Multi-verse. :D
Also, what dose the Mirror of Fate do for this deck, can't you just use Selective Memory to remove all the other creatures and then polymorph?
I would strongly recommend something good to polymorph into Emrakul is always nice. also see see beyond makes sure that you don't get screwed by drawing Emrakul. I would take out the Pathrazer of Ulamog for bigger better creatures, the Eldrazi lords and maybe a darksteel colossus.
You need to run more play sets a, you should also get some duel lands for mana fixing
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