2 more Garruk Wildspeaker. replace Sylvan Ranger with Cultivate. with the amount of ramp you have thrown in an Eldrazi lord or Eldrazi Conscription. Nissa's Chosen is nice and i would think about throwing in Nissa her self. If you find a way to get her final ability on line then its GG... unless DoJ
also Kird Ape
replace Stomping Ground with Taiga and Temple Garden and Savannah... if you can
Also if your are going to run Eldrazi you need more ramp or ways to cheat them in, the Elvish Piper is a good start but it will never live more than one turn.
You can't run 4 Black Lotus, they are restricted in Vintage and banned in Legacy the only places it would be legal. also if you only have 1 Bolt i doubt you have 4 Black Lotus.
I would also add Burst lightning, Hellspark elemental, take out Bull Rush, and Cyclops Gladiator and maybe put in some more goblins, Bolts are the hight priority though.
NO! Thats what Painter's Servant is for!
the Sovereigns of Lost Alara can target creatures with shroud, just sayin'
If you can: replace Berserkers of Blood Ridge with as many Kiln Fiends as you can find (Rise of the Eldrazi), replace Prodigal Pyromancer with Cunning Sparkmage (Worldwake), replace Lava Axe with more Act of Treason (M10,M11), also try to run more Mana Leaks (M11) and if you can get 4x Distortion Strike it works great with the Kiln Fiend. Hope this helps.
nope, i find it runs better without it
please read " I really should, you're right. The reason it's not in there is because I made this by going through my local game store's playsets of commons, and, of course, all of the terminates had been snapped up." - threecheersfornick
take out Exploration, put in Fastbond
first of all this isn't a colourless deck, second of all run tinker
AWESOME! second only to my tribal griffin deck
more fetchlands, KotR, and some Birds of paradise, just to make sure u have mana ramp in opening hand.
they showed that combo on the magic show
take out Journey to Nowhere, put in path to exile.
41-60 of 77 items