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Super Fun Magic Variant Games You Must Try
I am offering my Magic variant games for the community's enjoyment. They are posted in my decks on this site, but perhaps the best way to get them are the links below. There you will find deck lists, design notes, tokens, alternative card suggestions for customization, and designer notes. Take a look at them, build or proxy deck(s) that most interest you, and give it a try. You need to try them to really see how uniquely fun and entertaining they are. Feel free to share the links with your friends so that everyone can enjoy these unique Magic variant games. I’m hoping positive feedback will inspire me to create more such games.
Magic: Forgetful Fish
A variant where two players play out of the same deck and control of the draw at the top of the library is key to winning.
[b]Key Cards:[/b] Accumulated Knowledge, Crystal Spray, [b]Dandan[/b], [b]Memory Lapse[/b], Metamorphose, Mind Bend, Predict, and Vision Charm.
Magic: R.P.S (Rock-Paper-Scissors)
A unique three person landless variant where a player must work to kill one opponent, while simultaneously protecting the one that is gunning for him.
[b]Key Cards:[/b] Paper Tiger, Rock Lobster, Scissors Lizard, and a single copy in each deck of versatile multi-use white cards published in Magic’s long history selected for synergy.
Magic: Trippin’
A chaotic landless variant where every spell a player can successfully cast nets him another card, but players have no draw phase and lose for having no cards in hand.
[b]Key Cards:[/b] Many of the “cantrip” cards of all five colors published in Magic’s long history.
Feel free to post feedback on this site.
3 posts
Posted 26 September 2016 at 16:40
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