Discussion Forum

Re-write Update #4

Hey guys, this is what I've been working on this week:

* Created user "profile page" which currently justs lists all decks belonging to a user. These decks click through to the view deck page.
* If a user is logged in and a deck they're currently viewing belongs to them an "edit this deck" button now appears under the actions for that deck.
* Created a new page to edit user decks, this pages looks just like the view deck page except card quantities are now shown in editable textboxes, the user can then edit these values and save them. This deck editor is so much easier to use than the old dropdown system, I'm expecting some teething problems with it though.
* Anywhere there is a username now clicks through to that users "profile page".
* I've modified the card search page so that if you've clicked on "add new card" from the edit deck page the card search page shows add card to deck buttons. Again this is much better than the old system purely because there is now only one single page for card searching, not two.
* User registration page is half complete, just DB insertion and email sending to go.
* Signup buttons now click through the the user registration page.
* The view deck page now shows the deckname as the page title, just like the old site.

So what have I still got to do? Quite a bit actually, the absolute must haves before re-lauch are as follows:

* Complete user registration.
* A reset password page for all returning users - This is an absolute must seeing as I've removed all passwords from the database now, the idea is you enter your username and a new random password will be mailed out to you.
* Homepage needs news being fed through, new decks list and top rated decks list.
* Adding cards to deck/sideboard needs work.
* More filters need adding to both the deck search and the card search but I think we'll be able to live with them as they are for now.
* There is currently no way to create new decks, only modify existing ones.
* You cannot edit all deck info at this time, you can only really edit the cards within them.
* There is no "download this deck" functionality yet.
* When viewing a deck or a card search there is no card popup window yet.
* There is no way to remove cards from decks.
* Need to redirect all old php pages to their new equivalents.

So yeah, quite a bit still to do but I'm getting through it, it didn't help that I didn't feel too well today, being ill when you're on holiday sucks! :P
Posted 04 February 2009 at 19:30


Today I've done:

From the list above

2. This is now complete, we have a complete solution for resetting account passwords (something we will all need to do once the site is relaunched). All you do is pop in your email address and you're sent a link where you can go to reset your password. Sounds simple right? Took me pretty much all day! :P

3. Both new decks and top rated decks are showing on the homepage.

9. Card info now pops up when you click on a card name on the view deck, edit deck and card search pages.


Made a "personal" navigation for a user once they're logged in, giving links to the most used part of a user's account; profile, create new deck, edit account options and a logout button.

Create a "change password" page so that you can change your password once logged in.
Posted 06 February 2009 at 00:01


Ho-yeah! Keep up the excellent work, Gary. This site means alot to, well, alot of people. Most of whom don't bother posting here, because of some reason or another. Just take your response base here and multiply that by a few.

Can't wait for the new site to be launched :P
Posted 06 February 2009 at 00:02


Thanks, appretiated!

Hopefully it won't be too much longer, the finish line is slowly getting closer. The one thing I have in the back of my mind is that because this is a complete re-write we'll basically be starting from scratch when it comes to bugs, so you guys will have to be on your toes to spot them when we lauch! :D

I'm planning on launching the site as soon as I get it up to par with the functionality of the old site. I think that we'd rather have what we had back up and running in it's simplest form and add new features over time than wait forever for everything, am I right?
Posted 06 February 2009 at 00:09


you are correct sir
Posted 06 February 2009 at 05:07


Good to hear that things are coming along, Gary. Let me know if you need anything.
Posted 06 February 2009 at 06:46


Will do J, thanks for the conflux cards btw! :)

Right onto today's complete items (Friday 6th Feb)...

From the list above

4. Adding cards to a deck works slightly differently now, you do the card search as normal but then next to each card you have two buttons, one to add the card to main deck and one to add the card to the sideboard. Once you click on the button you're taken back to edit deck so you can adjust the quantity. I the whole deck building process is more efficient now, however I may be wrong, we'll see! :P

On the plus side, we've fixed our most famous bug, you can now add the same card to both the main deck and to the side board, victory! :D

7. You can now edit the deck name and description from the edit deck page, for now i think this may be enough but I'm going to have to add the ability to edit the deck colors and deck type at some point.

10. You can now remove cards from the edit deck page by click on a small "x" next to each card, you'll then be asked for confirmation, click yes and the card is gone.


Fixed a bug where if there were 0 cards in a deck the viewdeck page was giving an error. I imagine I'll have to do this on the edit deck page too, I didn't actually try it thinking about it! :P
Posted 06 February 2009 at 18:03
