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Copying a legendary creature, does enter into play effects trigger on stack, before legendary creature, copy both die?

Ok so Ulrich the new werewolf gives +4/+4 bonus when it enters play. If it is in play, and you copy it with Progenitor Mimic, do you get the +4/+4 bonus before both the original Ulrich, and the copy die on your side, battlefield.

The way I understand it the stack works like this.

Mimic Copies Ulrich
Copy of Ulrich enters battlefield,
gives +4/+4 to a target creature
2 legendary Ulrich's exist on my side
Triggering legendary rule where if
2 of 1, same legendary creature
On your side, both of the same
Legendary creature die.

Is this right, both me, and my friend who is a magic the gathering judge wants yo know

Thanks for help if help, if know the answer.
Posted 08 August 2016 at 00:33


Your "Judge" friend should have known of the rules update a while back...

You would get the trigger, but have to choose one of the legendary creatures to get rid of.
Posted 13 August 2016 at 22:34


He is not a current judge. He has been a official judge in the past. He is thinking of being a judge again in the future. Your right that if he wants to do that, he needs to stay updated on rules changes. Also he just wanted some back up on about this. Someone may question what he says, but hard, almost can't question a official rule, ruling.

Thanks for your answer
Posted 14 August 2016 at 18:55
