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Mono-Red Burn/ Aggro Deck Help

Hi all, I've been putting this deck together for the past week or so and have gotten to the point where I'm looking for some help and suggestions. I mostly play multiplayer games with friends, nothing really competitive, especially with this deck. Here's a link: http://www.mtgvault.com/axion13/decks/exit-through-the-incinerator/

My main problems come down to three things:
1. Sneak Attack vs Splinter Twin - Is Sneak Attacks lower mana usage cost advantage worth purchasing it in real life compared to Splinter Twin?
2. What other big creatures should I add to it in regards to Sneak Attack/ Splinter Twin. I've already Akroma but I figure I need to add another 4 or maybe a few more to make Sneak Attack/ Splinter Twin worth it/ viable.
3. Browbeat and Rite of Flame. What do you guys think of these in here?

Thanks very much for any help some of you may have for me, I really appreciate it!
Posted 15 October 2014 at 03:38


I would recommend things like lava spike or vexing devil. Also things like flame slash would be good. If you plan on playing tournaments with this in every non-commander tournament that isn't vintage sol ring is banned. Also try to keep your card limit to 60 cards exactly. If you want to check out a good mono red burn/ aggro deck check out this deck I built:
Posted 31 May 2018 at 14:17
