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Anoywan sac a creature

So I was playing a game and I was using a Black Blue mill deck and some of my only "creatures" and Creeping Tar Pits. 1BuBl and its a 3/2 elemental creature. "It is still a land". So with Anowan's ability, at the begining of your upkeep each player sacrifices a non-vampire creature.. If I pay 3 at their upkeep so its a creature for their turn, do I sac the lands, or can I sac it, nothing happens since it's still a "land"?
Posted 06 February 2010 at 23:48


yes it its still a creature that is also a land

kinda like if you have human/cleric its both

also cruel edict will make you sac your land if its also a creature
Posted 07 February 2010 at 00:05


so it is still a creature therefore I can't be a douche and sue it as a nulled sac because its still a land? any way to be able to be a douche like that?
Posted 07 February 2010 at 04:46


A land that is also a creature is still a creature, and yes it can be killed and put into the graveyard UNLESS the card specifically states the land does not go to the graveyard.

This is why man-lands are such a risky proposition. Yes they can be a nice strong beatstick fairly early on, but at the same time your one path away from losing a creature AND getting knocked down a land.
Posted 07 February 2010 at 05:13


I was looking at this as a possible way to bend a rule, my friend his mom dad and brother and 2 friends all have atleast 1 deck thats vampires, and they all make me sac shit like my beloved hedron :( look at the deck when I post it. Anyways, I was looking for a card... could I use a "all lands become indestructable" effect? or would sac... not could towards indestructability?
Posted 07 February 2010 at 05:19


Privileged position: All permanents you control cannot be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control

Anything with Shroud

Azorius Guildmages can counter abilities.
Posted 07 February 2010 at 05:37


I was thinking Privileged position aswell, but I only play standard II

anyone know a card that gives lands shroud? ALSO! If I shroud something I cant be like, I'mma target this with the sac, wait it's shrouded, right?
Posted 07 February 2010 at 05:38


You can choose to sacrifice something with shroud if the choice is up to you, shroud only affects things that say specifically "Target" on them.

I can't find anything that'd give you shroud that's blue or black though, it seems to be mostly a green and white type thing.
Posted 07 February 2010 at 07:21


giving the land shroud or making it indestructible will have no effect on being able to sac it or not.

if you are required to sac a creature and you only have one creature, the only way around not having to sac it is by making it not be a creature by the time the effect requiring the sac resolves
Posted 07 February 2010 at 14:39


:(That's disapointing. I have won eveyr game except 1 when I got down to 3 life and I sac'd my land to win.. was hoping I would get around that somehow. Oh wells. Is there a blue card thats an instant thats NOT Into The Roil that could EoT/Upkeep bounce/disable anowon so I don't have to sac?
Posted 07 February 2010 at 17:54


Snakeform turns him into a 1/1 snake with no abilities for the duration of that turn and can be paid with blue, there's probably a whole bunch of other ways to kill him or turn him into something else in blue as well but snakeform's likely one of the cheapest and easiest without killing him AND it's a cantrip.
Posted 08 February 2010 at 02:53


is that standard?
Posted 08 February 2010 at 03:01


no, it's not. basically, in U/B, you're missing a lot of good kill cards. If you were in Red, you could terminate the Anowon. Just to clear things up so everybody here's on the same page (credit will be given, yell if it's not):
1. If Anowon's making you sac something, you can put the trigger on the stack and animate your land, then sac the land.
2. Making anything indestructible still means it can be sacrificed.
3. Shroud doesn't help in this situation because Anowon's ability doesn't target.

This is a consolidation of stuff said already by me, Shadowex3, Seras, and THC-Shrine.
Posted 08 February 2010 at 04:31


yeah, i understad the cruth that I'm under because black really only destroys non-black unless you use feast of blood which takes vampires. So I guess my only option is bouncing it eh?
Posted 08 February 2010 at 04:36



I'm sure black has SOMETHING it can use, it's just black's style to kill things in horrible ways.
Posted 08 February 2010 at 04:41


well yeah, I'm not looking to base my deck around this one Anowon bullshit thing, jsut wondering if there was something other than bouncing with like into the roil that could prevent it, and I could use in my deck for multiple facets not just for 1 or 2
Posted 08 February 2010 at 04:47


wait, Anowon's a 4/3...It dies to Lightning Bolt, Urge to Feed, a Landfalled Tomb Hex, a Landfalled Searing Blaze, a kicked Burst Lightning, Terminate...I can go on, but those are the easiest. And there's two monoblack cards in that list too.
Posted 08 February 2010 at 11:25


Again thanks
Ill be sure to look into It but I need a card thy fits in a milling Heston crab deck that could be utilized in every game
Posted 08 February 2010 at 15:09


try running a Mephidross vampire in the same deck as your Anowon
Posted 21 February 2010 at 15:57


I suppose it goes without saying that a :manaub: mill deck has Haunting Echoes...?
Posted 21 February 2010 at 16:19


The other ugy is the one using anowon...
Posted 21 February 2010 at 22:54
