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Jace the Mind Sculptor deck built question
I am new on this site, this is my first post, so please be nice to me, if I make a mistake ;-)
I dont play magic for a long time and I never played on a tournament before, I just play with friends.
I came up this site to find a deck, in which Jace the Mind Sculptor is an important or even key card, because I have 3 copies of this card. Then today I found this deck:
My friends and I didnt play a control deck so far, so I dont really understand how this deck works. It has a lot of counter spells in it and many cards to disturb the opponent. But what I dont understand is how this deck wins.
Except Jace himself, there seem to be not much cards. which directly hits the enemy. So is the goal to counter spells, untill you draw Jace?
Thanks for your answer.
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Posted 11 May 2014 at 14:36
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You are very welcome to show me some other Jace decks :-)
Posted 11 May 2014 at 14:39
349 posts
Something seems to be wrong with the vault, can't access it. Anyway most Jace decks are pure control decks meaning that they are very light on win conditions which is typical for the archetype. Control decks have time, their strategy is holding their opponent in check for as long as it takes and eventually find their win condition and win. They only need their win condintion after they've totally broken an opponent or have their opponent in a lock which is always mid to late game. Often such decks just try to win game 1 and then they go into time (tournament rounds being 50 minutes to play 1 to 3 games).
Jace actually sped up the clock, before jace such decks had 4x Mishra's Factory as win condition (see pre-Jace Landstill) or a single morphling. Jace puts your opponent on a clock while disrupting his draws, it's actually a pretty fast control strategy. Decks also used to run 4xJace not so much for redundancy but just so they could pitch Jace to force of will early on.
Now days however with the printing of True-Name Nemesis Jace has taken a real beating. Jace used to be untouchable and now True-Name Nemesis just kills it.
Anyway, he hasn't lost his place in the format, there are still Tier 1 decks that use him as victory condition.
BUG Control is a good shell for Jace and a popular deck:
Miracles is a very good deck that runs Jace:
Both these decks are great decks but
- they are not easy to play and require a lot of experience to play them well
- it's not for everyone, some people love playing control others don't. Playing 9 rounds with a deck that goes into time every round is very taxing.
I used to run 4xJace in aggro Bant, a deck that could do something like
Turn 1 Noble Hierarch
Turn 2 Vendilion Clique with Daze backup, disrupt your opponent so you can play your Turn 3 Jace
Turn 3 Jace The Mind Sculptor
brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm, win...
Posted 12 May 2014 at 07:31
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