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Standard Deck Development
Golgari Life Gain 4/0 Winner
Normally I play Mono red as it is just quick and fun an doesn't need much brain matter to play. Recently however I have had my curiosity piqued by Reaper of the Wilds, this card is just a BOMB so i decided I would attempt to build a golgari deck around it. I thought about dredge effects but I felt that it wasn't as strong as some of the big hitters such as Reaper of the Wilds, Polukranos, and Desecration Demon. All of these cards are "better than costed" and I felt that in a deck together they would give me a very strong board. I then saw Courser of Kruphix and I fell in love with it, gaining life for playing land while at the same time skimming through my deck to find my big-hitters was a real advantage, pair this with any scry triggers from the Reaper of the Wilds allowed me to essentially tutor for cards if there were enough creatures dying. I took this deck to my Local FNM and Athena Games in Norwich which I then found out was hosting live streaming of matches on Twitch. I ended up winning going 4/0 and it was all live on the net. Was a great night and I really hope this deck does well.
21 posts
Posted 27 April 2014 at 14:16
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