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EDH Deck Development
Probably the greatest EDH--aw, it's not for you. It's more of a Shelbyville EDH deck.
Now wait a minute, I know MTGVault is twice as smart as the people of Shelbyville.
All right. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll show you my idea. I give you the Wurmorail!
I've sold Wurmorails to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and, by gum, it put them on the map!
Well, sir, there's nothin' on earth like a genuine bona-fide electrified three-color Wurmorail! What'd I say?
(Actually, I hate to break character...but I could really use some help. This is my first EDH deck and I have no idea what I'm doing.)
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Posted 25 February 2014 at 04:46
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212 posts
A few quick observations...
Most hydras are terrible with Mayael. If you've chosen her for her ability at all, you will want to cut the hydras as x=0 off her ability.
A Mayael deck needs at least 25-30 targets for her ability. You'll want to reliably succeed when using her ability as it is quite costly. Since you'll also be running non-fat, that suggests around 35-40 total creatures.
44 lands is too many. The general rule of thumb is to start at 40 and then remove one for each two ramp or draw sources. With your current list, you'd be fine with ~36 lands or so. I would consider some doublers before worrying about more lands.
Mayael needs Seedborn Muse and to a lesser extent, Awakening. One turn around the table and you can untap on your turn with 4+ new fatties in play which is basically just GAME OVER.
I think to an extent, Wurms were folded in with Beasts so you may just want to make some choices based on images (see Godsire). Yes, they're still printing some Wurms but in general it's a lesser supported creature type.
You still need to play removal.
You also will want some Overrun abilities.
Posted 25 February 2014 at 06:06
0 posts
Thank you for your observations!
Honestly, I'm considering cutting Mayael entirely as red isn't doing a whole lot in my deck right now (though that Godsire you suggested is making me smile). I'm really not sure what commander would be useful with what I'm trying to do.
Any thoughts on that?
Posted 25 February 2014 at 06:12
212 posts
Well regardless of who you choose, the majority of your stuff is going to be green so it might be worthwhile to just cut out the other colors entirely. Honestly, I would say red is probably going to be the stronger color if you want to just cut a single color and there are wurms in all 5 colors but they are mostly green...
As far as which other general to go for, I would probably go with one that makes the wurms stronger by granting trample, making them larger, or making them easier to cast.
Any ramp general would be ok, both the Fist of Krosa's, Nylea, etc...
However, Baru, Fist of Krosa actually CREATES Wurm Tokens (although the hoops to make it happen in mono green would be kinda tricky. >.>)
Posted 25 February 2014 at 11:47
0 posts
Stared at Baru for a little while -- I guess there's no way to trigger his Grandeur ability to get him to actually make those Wurm tokens in EDH, huh?
I'll probably add him to the deck anyway because he's a Wurm at heart and that's a nasty landfall ability he's got going on.
I will also add Seedborn Muse, but not Awakening since that one helps my opponents too and I'm not a good enough player to deal with that yet. I think I have a Godsire so I'll try him too.
I'm going to take out any "X" cost hydra and redo my mana base.
Karametra also seems like a good thing to add.
What would you recommend for removal? I have no flyers right now either.
Thanks again for your continued help. I'm learning a lot.
Posted 25 February 2014 at 17:57
212 posts
[QUOTE=ladykibble]Stared at Baru for a little while -- I guess there's no way to trigger his Grandeur ability to get him to actually make those Wurm tokens in EDH, huh?[/QUOTE]
It's possible for sure but the steps to make it repeatable are fairly difficult so it's not likely to happen very often.
You can create a copy of him with Dual Nature (with the help of a sac outlet with the DN trigger on the stack) or Mimic Vat followed by killing something else to put on the mimic vat and putting him into your graveyard (easiest to then populate the token so you don't have the delayed death trigger and have to repeat the process every turn). Then you have to get him back to your hand from your graveyard with the large number of regrowth effects available to green. There are a few top of library instant speed versions that cost 2 or less that you could imprint on an isochron scepter or you could get eternal witness onto the mimic vat after populating the token of your general.
It's not nearly as easy to do as it is in blue/black but it's doable and since wurms aren't exactly hyper competitive, your group might even let you pull it off.
Posted 27 February 2014 at 06:39
0 posts
Yeah, it's probably not worth going though THAT much trouble to pull off. Since, as you said, wurms aren't super competitive so I need to figure out how to keep the whole deck as functional as possible.
I still haven't decided what kind of removal spells to put in.
Posted 27 February 2014 at 18:57
212 posts
Green isn't great a creature removal but there's plenty of "fight" cards and wurms are usually bigger than other creatures.
As far as some suggestions for generic removal in mono green:
Beast Within, Krosan Grip, and Deglamer can easily fit in any deck and then you've got a few more meta dependant options... If you need sweepers in green, you're stuck with artifacts. Nevinyrral's Disk or Oblivion Stone are most commonly played.
If you're keeping it Naya, White is the king of removal...
Posted 28 February 2014 at 06:12
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