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Brimaz EDH Voltron Deck Idea
Here is a link to my EDH 'Brimaz, King of Oreskos' deck idea:
would love any ideas / thoughts on this one!
21 posts
Posted 20 February 2014 at 08:47
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212 posts
Take Brimaz, shuffle him into the 99 and replace him with Kemba as the commander.
Throw in a Brass Squire as another means of moving equipment around at instant speed or cheating on equip costs.
Consider Mind's Eye and Land Tax + Scroll Rack for some card draw potential. Staff of Nin would be good if you are on more of a budget but with Jitte and all five swords in there I don't think budget should be a concern.
All is Dust is an excellent board wipe for an equipment deck. It deals with gods, your general is likely cheap to recast and you keep all of your equipment still.
Nim's Deathmantle would be one to include over some of your other choices. Saving a creature from death or just reusing a CITP trigger would be very helpful and generally better than just the "win more" effects of some of your current equipment.
You'll want a sac outlet to go along with Skullclamp. You have several anthems in the deck so those 1/1 tokens aren't going to be instant death anymore. I'd consider High Market to throw it into the land slot.
Be wary of the 8.5 tails and playing swords that give prot white. Since the creature will already have protection from white an opponent can clone/steal the 8.5 tails and turn all your equipment white, making them fall off (ending with the sword itself) making it super easy to chump your small commander and cost you several turns re-equipping all the gear. Clones are huge in the format so it's a real risk if you have some savvy opponents.
Posted 20 February 2014 at 09:16
21 posts
Nim deathmantle was just chopped from the deck because it didn't work with the other synergistic cards - too may white liege sources to be removing cat and soldier types from my commander to make it work.
i love the high market idea! thanks!
thanks for clarification on clone.
Posted 20 February 2014 at 19:18
212 posts
[QUOTE=betefico]8.5 tails is protection from clone all by itself, so that's not an issue at all.
opponent casts clone, targeting 8.5 tails, in response, i make the clone a white spell, and give 8.5 tails pro white, clone fizzles on target, comes in as a 0/0, dead. same story with rite of rep, or duplicant.[/QUOTE]
Clones do not target. There are a few that do in special scenarios (Artisan of Forms, Dimir Doppelganger, Cryptoplasm, the non-creature spells that create tokens, etc) but the majority of the ones that see play (Clone, Evil Twin, Phantasmal Image, Phyrexian Metamorph, Vesuvan Shapeshifter/Doppelganger, etc) do not. If I want to clone 8.5 tails, I have a clone of 8.5 tails. You can clone Progenitus if you wanted to.
Posted 21 February 2014 at 06:08
21 posts
Thanks, post edited above.
I chose brimaz over khemba for his ability to provide some horizontal and vertical progression at the same time, while not being a terrible voltron target with vig and a 4 butt at 3 cost, plus its not every other khemba deck out there.
i like the idea of a mono colored voltron deck, and if i wanted to run the standard uril deck i could, but i wanted to try something new, not just build for what everyone has seen be kill on sight.
my colored permanents are the ones that are harder to reacquire, hence the choice of mass calcify over all is dust.
about the clone thing: i don't see 8.5 tails being the best clone target in a 4-8 player commander game, no matter the boardstate, plus not every opponent is running blue and white for the activation costs for 8.5 tails, although it is something to be way of for white mana symbol commander opponents.
i feel that the risk outweighs the reward, especially considering the pro white swords are prob my least sought after ones, the prime targets being jitte, batterskull, vengeance, fire and ice, and feast and famine.
Land tax is still on my to acquire list, its basically that or endless horizons in that slot.
I added some cards after further discussion, brass squire is another gem i had forgotten about! feel free to look at the list again.
Posted 21 February 2014 at 08:18
212 posts
The thing is mono white voltron is mono white voltron. There will always be a few flavor or budget concessions but every deck is going to have the best equip they can afford plus the big "equipment impacting" guys if they have them available. The choice of Kemba or Brimaz doesn't really change it from being "just another Kemba list" as it plays exactly the same in both sitations. Kemba will ultimately give you more value giving 2+ 2/2 tokens every upkeep as opposed to one 1/1 when he attacks that will die to a chump block (who would attack into him with no chance of value?) There's potentially the benefit of that one extra starting power but honestly that shouldn't be an issue in most games. Other than that, they have the same cost, same toughness and the effect on Kemba is just superior to Brimaz. Of course, it is your deck and your choice but if you're looking for suggestions to improve it, I can't help but point it out. ;)
Preservation of your colored permanents was actually why I suggested Nim Deathmantle. I realize it can have some negative interactions in your deck but usually you won't be worrying about how big your utility guys are since they're there to make your life easier with instant/free equips or equipment tutors and you either won't block with them since they're too valuable or you want them to die so you can bring them back with the mantle and reuse the ETB trigger. Might I suggest Sigil of the New Dawn instead then? It's not recurrable with Sun Titan but it saves critters for a lesser cost by sending them to your hand instead.
If you've got an arsenal of equipment and the means to make your general unblockable via protection or otherwise, you've become a huge threat. If I can nullify your whole game plan (or at least the swords) so that I can chump with my guys (that are now white) for one colorless mana, it's an excellent play to make. She's stopping me from clearing your board with potentially superior clone targets which really makes her an ideal choice even if I can't abuse the protection aspect of her. If nothing else, it becomes a stack war and the odds are good that your mono white deck doesn't have double the mana of whatever the clone player is playing since changing it white costs 1 and giving it protection costs 2. You're either going to tap out and there's 2-6 other players that can wreak havoc on your defenseless board or the protection aspect of ALL your swords is nullified. Like I said, just be mindful of it. It likely isn't worth removing her in general but she still can backfire by instantly stripping your equipment if stolen or cloned.
Posted 21 February 2014 at 09:32
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