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UB Mill/Control still viable?
I have returned to magic after a few years, and have been running UB mill/control in standard for the last few weeks now, and have had some mixed success. While I can handle the dual colored (g/w b/w) decks, I have a lot of trouble with the faster decks (mono blue/black dev, mono red).
My two questions:
Can strict mill control (very few creatures and lots of mill/counters/creature control) be viable in a format with so many fast decks? If so, can someone please link me to some strong deck examples?
Does anyone think that Phenax mill decks (wall of frosts/other creatures) have the potential to be a real contender in Standard?
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Posted 16 February 2014 at 06:04
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You can kinda...
U/B alone isn't enough against a speedy agro deck with single target kill spells from what I found. I came back from an 8 year hiatus and started with my old school mill type deck and found quickly that I need board wipes. So I had to splash white for verdict or merciless eviction.
Most of the nice mill creatures are 4/5 mana cost so you have to build more for control to have the board under control around that time. I went with W/U with a splash of B and let my mill creatures like consuming aberration do a lot of the mill work. I had to use traumatize and Jace mind adept to get a lot of mill wins. Mind grind was hit or miss in its effectiveness.
Im thinking of building a new one now I know how the game is played now.
Posted 16 February 2014 at 09:59
0 posts
Yeah, I think W/U is stronger than B/U for sure, but I really want to play B/U. I think I will just run a Phenax variant with a lot of creatures, and 15 or so spells for board control/card draw. I feel like a lot of the speedy decks may have trouble breaking through a lot of cheap walls. Hopefully it will work out.
Posted 16 February 2014 at 19:42
14 posts
UB on its own has no effective sweepers to help against the faster decks, although there are a lot of walls such as wall of frost. Try to pair these with phenax and you should get an effective mill deck
Posted 01 March 2014 at 00:21
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