Discussion Forum

Best Heroic Colors?

Hey guys, it's my first forum post. So I just made a GW Heroic deck (http://www.mtgvault.com/hipsterpumpkin/decks/selesnya-heroic/) and I was just wondering if Green and White really are the best heroic colors. I know that Red does have some cool heroic cards, but this thread is just for debating.
Posted 07 February 2014 at 18:47


I love GW heroic in limited, not sure about constructed tbh... But there's something sweet about playing Reap What is Sown when you have one or more Phalanx Leaders on the board. Value. :)
Posted 08 February 2014 at 11:26


[QUOTE=Gary]I love GW heroic in limited, not sure about constructed tbh... But there's something sweet about playing Reap What is Sown when you have one or more Phalanx Leaders on the board. Value. :)[/QUOTE]

I just proxies the deck I linked to, and it did quite well. I'm making some adjustments like more Fabled Hero and more Favored Hopolite. It may not be the best deck in the world, but it sure is fun to play!
Posted 08 February 2014 at 19:19
