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Live Love Die (black white)

I have made a new black white deck and heres the link please tell me what you guys think and what i could do to make it better its been a long time sence i have really been big into standard and want some input :D

Posted 17 January 2014 at 00:35


No one? :(
Posted 18 January 2014 at 00:54


Looks like a fun deck to play.

I would probably ditch the diabolic tutors. Getting any card is nice, but you're a little light on lands already. It will usually use up your entire turn (unless it's very late in the game and you have plenty of lands in play), so in essence it takes you two turns to cast a single card.

I have a few suggestions for replacements to the Diabolic Tutor. (I presume a majority of time you are going for Archangel of Thune or Sanguine Bond?)

1) Maybe look to Blightcaster or Ajani's Chosen, both 4cmc, and take advantage of your enchantment subtheme you have going on there (perhaps even build upon it more?). With 11 enchantments, that's close 1/3 of your non-land deck slots.

2) All your creatures are Human tribal (except Archangel)... do you have any Xathrid Necromancers?

3) If you need a way to dig for certain elements of your deck, I would probably look to read the bones, it's only 3cmc, and you can get up to 4 cards deep. It does come with a loss of life, but you are running hopeful eidolon, soulmender, soldier of the pantheon, and whip of erebos. (And, at the end of the day you come up with two extra cards.)

Definitely get rid of Unknown Shores and add more basics. It's just not really necessary in a two color deck. You're already light on land, and it can really cripple you in the early turns if you're going for turn two precinct captain or turn three agent of the fates.

Blood Baron of Vizkopa in the sideboard is odd, but I see you're trying to get a theme going on in your deck here and too many 5 drops would clog it up. You're also only running 21 lands which doesn't support very many cards more than 4 mana.

Silence is narrow... hopefully you're casting it during opponents upkeep. Maybe you should look to God's Willing to take further advantage of your Agent of Fates? Not sure on this one, silence is definitely annoying, but if they have emptied their hand or are sitting on a couple lands then it's almost a dead card. God's willing can allow you to attack through opposing creatures by giving it protection from that color, as well as basically counter-spelling any of their removal.

Anyways, that's my thoughts and opinions, feel free to disregard, or incorporate any ideas as you wish.
Posted 26 January 2014 at 17:03


I did take a few ideas of yours. I normally wouldn't run blood baron unless im running against a mirror match (which surprisingly there are a few around here) otherwise there not normally played. I did swap out the unknown shores for basics.
Posted 25 February 2014 at 18:11
