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what's the metagame like right now?
Haven't been in magic for the past 4 years-ish. No idea what anything is right now. What's the metagame like in standard? popular builds etc? that way I can avoid making those decks completely :P (i'm way too hip ( also pronounced poor) for popular builds)). lol
1355 posts
Posted 06 January 2014 at 20:06
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129 posts
Hey man I consistently beats top decks all the time using decks that are not what you call popular builds. By popular I'm thinking you mean the top performing decks pros use. I'm going to tell you what I tell all newbies. And yes you are a newbie if your asking this question. That's okay because I'm about to up your game ten-fold bro. Okay here we go, forget about the term meta game. You forgot about it yet? You have? Okay, you won't need it where I'm taking you.
You must learn what makes a deck a strong deck: refutable, power, teamwork, blindside.
Refutable: how many cards can deal with what this card brings. The less cards there are in the standard set that can deal with this card the higher the card ranks in this category.
Power: when you drops this card how fast does it add to you winning the game or how hard does it make it for you to lose the game. The faster this card helps you to win the game or the harder it makes it for you to lose the game the higher the power the card has.
Teamwork: How much refutable and power the cards as a whole add to one another. You always want team work in every deck because should things not go your way and you find yourself in a close game, guess what, 9 out of 10 times team work is the factor that gives you the gg.
Blindside: how much will using this deck catch players by surprise. Play a player using a top deck and just dominate using what are deemed as weaker card, guess what my friend? You just blindsided someone. This is the most powerful aspect of any deck. If you blindside a guy it will knocked him off his train off thought. If it doesn't knock the player off his game. That means he is cocky, don't know any better, or you're playing a high level. It will take you dominating the person both games then they will have time to smoke on it and realize that they just got their stuff worked hard. If you blindside top player it may take them years to recover.
Let me give you an example of a deck that puts all these thing into action. A deck I posted a little while ago, called Big Booty Ho. It ranks high in power and refutable categories. The cards by themselves average a rank around 8 out of 10. However, teamwork and blindside the deck ranks a 10 in both. The team work factor makes the cards work as if they are a 10 or high 9. The blindside of this deck comes in 3 forms enchantments (people will just not have enough cards to deal with all the enchantment. So that gerruntees they can't stop your game plan--call that blind side), control (people don't see strong control from green. And your control is not coming in the form of counter, burn, removal. It comes in the form of them not being able to use burn or removal and forces them to counter thing they don't want to counter. Another way it controls is that it forces the player to not want to block but have to and also makes them block if they don't have to or want to.) The blindside come because the deck is not concerned about anything the opponent may bring nor should it be.
I played a stronger version of this deck at a fnm I had never been to. The place was great. There was so many players and so many stong decks. The deck did so well that when they were going to start the games for who would be in the top three, one of the judges pointed out that I hadn't lost any of my game too so it massed up things. They looked at their computer thingy and it made me battle one of the top performing guys. I won but for what ever reason the computer was still staying I was below in place. So it made me play another one of the guys fighting for top 3. I don't know what was going but the computer must had been glitching. I was still not high enough in points, as it was explained to me. Which i do not understand at all. They didn't even understand it. I had to play all six of the top guys there and keep in mind I had already whooped a bunch of other players (4). The deck I used costed in terms of money a lot more to make than the one posted up, however, if you play the deck i posted you should do very well. Also after I played that deck word must have gotten out because I'm starting to seeing decks mimicking it. So when something becomes popular the blimdside factor is lessened.
This newest standard group I can tell they were very thoughtful in not putting out cards that ranked too high in the refutable category. So when making the deck I had to fall back on team work, power, and blindside. This deck never has the problem of looking for the right land (team work). That can cost you one game. And don't worry about knowing all the rules. I don't and I dont need to. Believe me people will tell you if you are doing, something wrong.
Now you know how the best builds his deck. Now go win.
Posted 07 January 2014 at 00:19
1,355 posts
Posted 07 January 2014 at 20:26
129 posts
You're welcome. Another that is not in the deck building things I mentioned. Each card can been handled with. When you put a deck to together oddies pop up and weaken will show up a the main possible downfall. You keep this in mind and know what cards can exploit the main downfall. And this will be in the form of a side board.
If you master all this. You my friend will always be ahead of the game. But before learning how to cover any weaken learn how to make a very strong deck that has all the qualities I have mentioned.
Posted 08 January 2014 at 12:42
212 posts
Yeah... just ignore vines.
Here's an article posted today over on the mothership showing off a few of the top decks in standard right now.
The meta right now is very heavily focused on mono blue or mono black devotion as those are the decks to beat. The mana base available right now can easily support three color decks but the speed of the meta is more forgiving of two colors since a lot of the dual lands enter tapped. Devotion turned out to be far more powerful than anyone anticipated which is another reason why decks are being skewed to fewer colors.
Reprinted monsters like Mutavault and Thoughtseize are dominating right now and forcing the meta into a more aggressive place.
Posted 09 January 2014 at 06:04
129 posts
Heed my words bro I know how to win man. I am shocked that are bulding for blue and black. I'll tell you what I have played against. Mono white, strong deck. Mono black, strong deck also. Blue and black also strong. Red and green also strong. Okay here is my two cents. The blue and back deck I played they didn't have a lot of creatures. They had lots of plainswalks. The was the type of deck I was happy to find out that I was that type of deck. Many were different but they all all had lot of plainswalkers and not a lot of creatures. The next easty deck to win was mono back. White was good all around good, still wasn't worries. Now the green and red decks I played. Gave me trouble because they revolved around creatures, creatures. The decks were a little faster than mine, however, the control and team work of mine deck won a close games because the green and red could keep pumping out monsters once a plainswalker was in play.
I played a take on big booty ho deck. A lot of different cards in the deck I played but the same idea just a beefed up version of the deck. Even playing big booty ho, play it against any of these blue and black decks and I'm telling you will give them a run for their money. Those type of decks just don't have enough creatures and their plains walkers are wide open. I mean they will counter one or two spells. But the big booty deck gets stronger as time goes on. And version I was playing was pure beast mode. I mean play the big booty ho deck for yourself and you will see what I'm talking about. I follow these guidelines that I have just told you about. I'm just trying to up your game.
Posted 09 January 2014 at 17:03
1,355 posts
[QUOTE=_Epsilon_]Yeah... just ignore vines.
Here's an article posted today over on the mothership showing off a few of the top decks in standard right now.
The meta right now is very heavily focused on mono blue or mono black devotion as those are the decks to beat. The mana base available right now can easily support three color decks but the speed of the meta is more forgiving of two colors since a lot of the dual lands enter tapped. Devotion turned out to be far more powerful than anyone anticipated which is another reason why decks are being skewed to fewer colors.
Reprinted monsters like Mutavault and Thoughtseize are dominating right now and forcing the meta into a more aggressive place.[/QUOTE]
thanks! this is what I was looking for
Posted 09 January 2014 at 19:09
129 posts
That black one played against. Whooped it. The blue deck they showed it that link I played a deck like it. Um that red and green deck. I think an exact copy of it. It give me some trouble. I almost lost to it. Ummm that white one with the artifacts I played a clone like it.
So you're telling that whooped up on most of the top decks right now at one event(fnm)?
Damn I feel good. My guess is these deck will drop off soon. I gave these decks a smashing. That red and green one is pretty good though.
is there any way I can pop up my wins for that fnm? I got to show you mother futhers. Once I tried to find out my point by putting in my number. Someone at a fnm was showing me and when I did it showed nothing as if I had never played a game before. And the card I have looks way different than anyone else's card I have seen.
I know what I'm talking about and need to start putting up the proof so you dumb fucks pipe down. I'm trying to give this guy the best advice around.
okay if my account is glitch how do I fix it so it shows my matches played and I get points. And can you show me what site to go to again so I can put my number in to check my point. I forgot the name of it.
Posted 10 January 2014 at 01:00
212 posts
Vines... a few things.
No one wants to read a wall of text. Add proper punctuation and formatting if you want anyone to read.
You are not a better player than those on the pro tour. If you were, you would be there too. The top decks are top decks for a reason. Some outliers can win on occasion by being unexpected and catching players off guard but please stop trying to say your decks are better than those posted above. If you're consistently beating top decks, it's because people you're playing against are playing them poorly.
If you even tried to compete in real tournaments, you would be disqualified for rules violations. You do not understand the game by any stretch and you should not be giving advice to other players.
Suggesting anyone forget the "meta game" is idiotic. Meta gaming is building in a way to counter what other cards/styles are being played in your area or on a global scale. If everyone is playing Rock Lobster, you play Paper Tiger and crush them. That is how you succeed. The 'top decks' that come from metagaming are positioned to compete favorably with most other decks that you're likely to see. If you copy and paste them, you will probably lose as they will need to be tweaked to your local meta.
Posted 10 January 2014 at 06:39
129 posts
It's the decks I build and that black deck I was playing way before and pro picked it up. Of course its better now with the new set. But it was winning me games like crazy even before new set. Rat pack was cheap as fuck when I got them. Those cards in that mono black deck really didnt need to be added, aside from that land. I was wondering why they went up so much.
It is the decks I play. I follow the guildlines that I have talked. I've beaten these deck at fnms. I always wondered why I alway seemed to come up on some really pricey decks. I didnt know they had a list of the top preforming decks. You have to think too those decks just so happento been the most used decks. It is no surprise that I win with less popular deck.
Green has gotten very strong. It is not popular because green traditionally does not have control. This standard block however green is a beast and has all the tools it needs to get the job done. They just didnt take the time to look at what green had to offer.
It seems like I am ahead of the curve or something. Remember that blue and black deck I was playing. I know where people had to start using that type of deck and started winning with it because the prices went up. But now that type of deck isn't as strong and will lose morr because of the new set. The new set has made green so strong.
I want to make a deck that follow the principals I have mentioned. I would do a green and white but that would be to good for you greatful slobs. So I will do a mono blue. This will make it easy to stack it up against other mono blue or black and blue decks.
on a last though before was able to make you know 50-60 dollar decks and they would win. Now things seem to be a lot closer and can't do that any more. Who ever is putting out these sets has really put a good amount of though towards evening things out. I'm a causal play I don't to be a pro. I play as a past time, still, I want to do well. And it seems the only way I am winning is by winning decks that I guess do well in the pro world. At any rate my advice will help any player lookimg to become a pro. A lot of times I do not place firsf in fnmor in the top 4. For the fact that I offer draws. But every now and than I feel like taking first prize.
Posted 10 January 2014 at 16:41
1,355 posts
I committed to a pretty budget build for myself (by pretty budget, I mean the most budget thing in the universe), but I think it will still be fun to play. Only problem is, after looking over the metagame, I realize that a gaping problem is Azorius Control (like I shouldn't even bother playing against that deck problem). Anyone know how popular that build is? If its not too popular, I won't be concerned (not sure what my areas builds are like yet though).
my build is this if you are curious
you'll notice that if my opponent doesn't rely on creatures to some extent...then I'm sorta boned. I'd appreciate better sideboard suggestions if you got em. maybe someway that I can alter the deck to deal with control on some level. It can actually fair well against non-control decks. Removal doesn't bother it too much either. Having the board cleared every few turns though would be a nuisance. I'll probably be throwing in an Elixir of Immortality, though once Azorius gets going, that card wouldn't save me from much.
Posted 11 January 2014 at 00:32
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