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Lights Out VS G/W Slivers (test game)
I started playing Magic a few weeks ago, and I am looking for advice on some things. I have two standard decks put together right now and I have been testing them against each other as practice. I hesitate a lot in games with other people, make lots of mistakes, and generally forget basically everything I have learned about MTG so far. Anyway, I put a lot of work into keeping up with everything that wen ton in the following game with my two decks, and would like some advice on what I should or could have done rather than what I did, as well as suggestions for my two decks.
Here are the links for my Lights Out deck and G/W Slivers deck on MTGVault
And here is the test game. Eternally sorry if it's confusing as heck--I tried to make it as coherent as possible.
X - Lights Out
Y - G/W Slivers
Roll - X=11, Y=10
X chooses to go first
X: Swamp, Mutavault, Pack Rat(*/*), Drainpipe Vermin(1/1), Gray Merchant of Asphodel(2/4), Pharika's Cure, Doom Blade
X keeps hand
Y: Forest x3, Plains, Sentinel Sliver(2/2), Manaweft Sliver(1/1), Hive Stirrings
Y keeps hand
Turn 1
X(20) plays Swamp, taps Swamp, plays Drainpipe Vermin(1/1), passes turn
Y(20) plays Forest, passes turn
Turn 2
X(20) untaps, draws Pharika's Cure, plays Mutavault, taps Swamp and Mutavault, plays Pack Rat(2/2), taps and swings with Drainpipe Vermin for 1 damage (Y takes 1 damage), passes turn
Y(19) draws Door of Destinies, taps Forest and Plains, plays Manaweft Sliver(1/1), passes turn
Turn 3
X(20) untaps, draws Corrupt, taps and swings with Pack Rat(2/2) for 2 damage (Y takes 2 damage), passes turn
Y(17) untaps, draws Groundshaker Sliver(5/5), plays Forest, taps Manaweft Sliver(1/1) for 1 white, taps two Forests and Plains, plays Door of Destinies, chooses Sliver creature type, passes turn
Turn 4
X(20) untaps, draws Swamp, plays Swamp, taps and swings with Drainpipe Vermin(1/1) and Pack Rat(2/2) for 1+2=3 damage (Y takes 3 damage), passes turn
Y(14) untaps, draws Forest, plays Forest, taps Plains and Forest, plays Sentinel Sliver (Door of Destinies gets 1 charge counter, Manaweft Sliver and Sentinel Sliver get +1/+1), passes turn
Turn 5
X(20) untaps, draws Pack Rat(*/*), taps Swamp and Mutavault, plays Pack Rat, passes turn
Y(14) untaps, draws Sentinal Sliver(2/2), plays Forest, taps Plains and two Forests, plays Hive Stirrings (adds 2 1/1 colorless Sliver tokens to the battlefield), adds two charge counters to Door of Destinies (Manaweft Sliver, Sentinel Sliver, and two Sliver tokens get +2/+2), taps Manaweft Sliver(4/4) for 1 White and Forest, plays Sentinel Sliver(5/5), adds 1 charge counter to Door of Destinies, swings with Sentinel Sliver(6/6) for 6 damage (X blocks Sentinel Sliver(6/6) with Drainpipe Vermin(1/1) (Drainpipe Vermin is destroyed and both Pack Rats P/T drops to 2/2), passes turn
Turn 6
X(20) untaps, draws Gray Merchant of Asphodel(2/4), passes turn
Y(14) untaps, draws Plains, taps four Forests and two Plains and Manaweft Sliver(5/5) for 1 Green, plays Groundshaker Sliver(5/5), puts charge counter on Door of Destinies (Manaweft Sliver(6/6), x2 Sentinel Sliver(7/7), x2 Sliver token (6/6), Groundshaker Sliver(10/10)), swings x2 Sentinel Sliver(7/7), x2 Sliver token(6/6) for 7+7+6+6=26 (X taps two Swamps to play Doom Blade and targets one Sentinel Sliver (Sentinel Sliver is destroyed), blocks Sentinel Sliver(7/7) with one Pack Rat(2/2) (Pack Rat is destroyed and remaining Pack Rat's P/T drops to (1/1)), takes 12 damage), Y passes turn
Turn 7
X(8) untaps, draws Deathcult Rogue(2/2), taps two Swamps and Mutavault, plays Deathcult Rogue(2/2), passes turn
Y(14) untaps, draws Plains, swings with Manaweft Sliver(6/6) Sentinel Sliver(7/7), x2 Sliver token(6/6), Groundshaker Sliver(10/10) for 35 damage (X blocks Groundshaker Sliver(10/10) with Deathcult Rogue(2/2) (Deathcult Rogue is destroyed, Groundshaker Sliver's Trample deals 8 damage to X)
X has no life points left. Y(14) is the winner!
2 posts
Posted 05 January 2014 at 12:56
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Turn 5
X(20) untaps, draws Pack Rat(*/*), taps Swamp and Mutavault, plays Pack Rat, passes turn
Y(14) untaps, draws Sentinal Sliver(2/2), plays Forest, taps Plains and two Forests, plays Hive Stirrings (adds 2 1/1 colorless Sliver tokens to the battlefield), adds two charge counters to Door of Destinies (Manaweft Sliver, Sentinel Sliver, and two Sliver tokens get +2/+2), taps Manaweft Sliver(4/4) for 1 White and Forest, plays Sentinel Sliver(5/5), adds 1 charge counter to Door of Destinies, swings with Sentinel Sliver(6/6) for 6 damage (X blocks Sentinel Sliver(6/6) with Drainpipe Vermin(1/1) (Drainpipe Vermin is destroyed and both Pack Rats P/T drops to 2/2), passes turn
The bolded part on Turn 5 does not work since Door of Destinies triggers on casting a spell of the chosen name's type, not entry of the type.
Posted 06 February 2014 at 08:06
349 posts
the forum has CARD tags so people don't have to look up every card you're talking about.
Posted 06 February 2014 at 08:25
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