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Deck Challenge: Unconventional EDH
Hello all my fellow deck builders!
I love EDH, and my playgroup does too. However, we have a rather lenient view on what constitutes a "General". We allow all the Nephilim, and treat them as though they were legendary. We also allow *Anything that can become a legendary creature* to be used as well. So that gives us this list of "Unconventional Generals"
1) Kaldra (All three pieces must be cast from the Command zone. Colorless Color Identity)
2) Genju of the Realm (WUBRG Color Identity)
3) Marit Lage (Colorless or Black Color Identity)
4) Urami (not sure why you'd want to but by all means. Black Color Identity)
5) Withengar Unbound (Black Color Identity)
6) Dune-Brood Nephilim
7) Glint-Eye Nephilim
8) Ink-Treader Nephilim
9) Witch-Maw Nephilim
10) Yore-Tiller Nephilim
(If I've missed one, please let me know)
The challenge is this: Create an EDH deck starring one of these unorthodox generals. Have fun! :D
4543 posts
Posted 18 December 2013 at 00:01
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98 posts
So I made 2 out of the 5 nephilims because they seemed like the easiest, and to be completely honest I am not particularly happy about either: this one seems overly dependent upon the general to the point where the deck doesn't seem like it would function well without it.
EDIT (sorry put wrong URL): whereas in this one,the general is only really used for its colors.
I may do 1 more and if I do it will be yore-Tiller nephilim, hopefully that will turn out better
Posted 21 December 2013 at 18:56
4,543 posts
[QUOTE=SSHouston]So I made 2 out of the 5 nephilims because they seemed like the easiest, and to be completely honest I am not particularly happy about either: this one seems overly dependent upon the general to the point where the deck doesn't seem like it would function well without it. whereas in this one,the general is only really used for its colors.
I may do 1 more and if I do it will be yore-Tiller nephilim, hopefully that will turn out better[/QUOTE]
I'll take a look at them. And I can tell you from experience that the Nephilim aren't necessarily the easiest. Nephilim by their very nature are REALLY weird, and sometimes that weirdness can lead to difficulties.
Posted 21 December 2013 at 19:27
98 posts
[QUOTE=surewhynot]I'll take a look at them. And I can tell you from experience that the Nephilim aren't necessarily the easiest. Nephilim by their very nature are REALLY weird, and sometimes that weirdness can lead to difficulties.[/QUOTE]
True, it took me a lot longer than normal to put these together. I like to have my EDH decks interact with the general and vice-versa, and the nephilim just seemed like the easiest ones to do that with. However, the decks themselves do need to be able to stand alone which is why I wasn't happy with either of them.
Posted 21 December 2013 at 22:51
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