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Jund Highlander / possible transition into EDH
Been a while again since my last pit stop here, been working on something new to bring to the tables. This time around it's, what I would consider, a very competitive brew. I know people around here care more for the EDH format and what it has to offer, as do many of my friends, but I was thinking if I could possibly adapt this Highlander deck to work somehow as raw version of a Commander deck.
I posted this a while back over at the vault. I'm not a fan of points over there, its just an easy way to get information over deck-builds shared over the i-net.
and I was hoping to get some pro-tips from u guys, and people who are very much into Jund deckbuilding and playing. :)
This is what I've been working on for some months now;
103 posts
Posted 01 December 2013 at 01:50
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103 posts
I've been advised to add Primeval Titan, as its been a common auto-include in many Highlander decks that include green. I'm aware of the huge impact it has once it enters the battlefield, pushing your game a lot further getting those man lands or whatever needed at that moment... still I'm not thoroughly convinced it is what lack in this brew. Instead of Primeval Titan I've kept a Protean Hulk in there, to create an alternative win con. A huge bummer's that Natural order got banned just a month back or so, making me hesitate over my decisions, as I've very little experience with this deck outside of the kitchentable championships and online mtg generators.
Posted 01 December 2013 at 01:58
106 posts
sorry man but primevil titan is banned in edh.
Posted 01 December 2013 at 07:42
349 posts
- Natural order is not banned because it's just not that big of a deal.
- Both Protean Hulk and Primeval Titan are banned because both are extremly game warping cards. Hulk is a 1 card combo win that can be played very fast very early on. Titan warps the game as well, games are usually over very fast once the first Primeval Titan hits the field. I've had games (most games) where I played him or my opponent played him and the next turn I had between 6 and 14 extra lands in play of which strong combo lands like Urborg/Cabal Coffers combo and such.
Your deck looks like an aggro jund legacy brew. It's clearly not build to be played in multiplayer games. It looks inceadibly weak in a multiplayer game, and I'm not saying this to offend you. I've played against decks like this, you open like a sledge hammer in the face but at 40 lives I have plenty of time to recover and take over. You have so many weak mid game cards (=tempo cards) in there that drawing into them turn after turn will kill you.
You'll get games like this
- You play a lot early on and hit me to maybe 20 lives or less
- I play Oblivion stone and blow up your board
- You're low on cards and draw into stuff like Birds of Paradise, Vexing Devil, Grim Lavamancer while I draw into cards like Simic Sky Swallower and Avenger of Zendikar and by that time I have the land to play them and abuse them. Just imagine me playing tooth and nail into Pelakka Wurm and Deadeye Navigator with mana open to start blinking them. It just devestates your deck.
You cannot build an EDH deck like you build a legacy deck, the 40 start life is really bad for aggro play. It shifts the entire game into a higher mana curve. That's the entire motivation behind the 40 starting life.
I bet you played this deck in 20 life games, then it looks good.
It's great to see someone who likes Highlander though. I too like it much more then EDH.
Posted 05 December 2013 at 09:38
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