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Re-write Update #3
As I'm sure we're all aware the old deck search page was not the nicest of things to use; the result set was limited to 100 results, the search options were limited, you couldn't sort by the column name, you get the idea.
Taking all of this information into account I've been working on a brand new deck search page today. It's still pretty simple but so far it can do the following:
* Search by Deck Name, Deck ID, Card Name, Username, User ID.
* All column headings in the results table can be clicked on to order the result by that column, click it again and the sort direction will be reversed.
* The results are now paged. No more only being able to see 100 results on a page, we will now be able to page through all the result our query returns.
The page still needs a bit of work; it looks a bit crappy and I'd like to add a lot more filters to the top but overall I'm pretty pleased with where it's at and it's a hell of a lot better than the old one! :P
229 posts
Posted 10 January 2009 at 18:31
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Thats awesome man! I agree with you on the old search page. It was good but it sounds like this new one will be great. If a rating system is incorporated into the vault, will we be able to sort decks by rating? Highest to lowest, lowest to highest, most rates, fewest rates, etc?
Posted 11 January 2009 at 18:31
229 posts
That sir, is a very good point! The problem is I'm limited on width so the results table can only hold a certain number of columns. At the moment the columns I've got displaying are ID, Deckname, Colurs, Date Created and DeckType. There's not much room for any more columns but do people have a preference on what information will be returned when doing a deck search?
Posted 11 January 2009 at 21:41
0 posts
Upon reflection I would say sorting results by rating is kinda mute for the fact that the other criteria would be of more importance. Maybe at some point, obviously later on down the road, you could add a chart, possibly to the deck search page, to show the highest rated decks of each color with a minimum of 10 rates for instance, highest all time rated decks regardless of color with a minimum of 20-25 rates, etc. I guess my post here should be moved to the Suggestions thread lol
Posted 12 January 2009 at 02:06
3 posts
whats the deal with the schedule??? mtgvault is a very convenient site... i have my decks posted up there though and i dont remember all what cards i had in there... trying to get back into magic so please let me know...
Posted 18 January 2009 at 04:06
229 posts
[quote=JTonn]whats the deal with the schedule??? mtgvault is a very convenient site... i have my decks posted up there though and i dont remember all what cards i had in there... trying to get back into magic so please let me know...[/quote]
I'm working on it. I have another two weeks off at the end of this month so I'm hoping I can get everything finished then, at least back to where the site used to be anyway.
Posted 18 January 2009 at 09:32
0 posts
hey there any idea when the vault willbe back upand running again???
Posted 18 January 2009 at 09:57
229 posts
I'm hoping I can get enough done to live on the 7th February, and then doing any fixes that need doing over that weekend.
Posted 18 January 2009 at 10:26
0 posts
that would be great to see. but like the oher guys have said in the other posts its better to come out later than expected and be great than come out half done and get ad reports because of all the bugs!!!!
Are you hoping to add conflux to it for its release??
Posted 18 January 2009 at 17:02
229 posts
Yes, and I might even finally get around to adding tenth! :o
Posted 18 January 2009 at 22:44
444 posts
[QUOTE=Gary]Yes, and I might even finally get around to adding tenth! :o[/QUOTE]
Well the thing is, while having the "Editions" in is nice and useful, they aren't a necessity. After all, they are a repeat of other printed cards. All I'm saying is take your time and we'll all be glad to see the vault restored to its original glory.
Posted 19 January 2009 at 15:06
79 posts
didnt look to carfuly but maybe we could also have a user ranking it would be the average rank of all their decks. i think it would give people credit for what theyve done not just how many decks but also how good those decks are.
Posted 22 January 2009 at 02:09
29 posts
well what happens then is if people just try to make fun decks, then they will be reviewed poorly and the user will be looked down upon
Posted 22 January 2009 at 06:25
229 posts
If the deck is tagged as a fun deck I would hope people would vote accordingly, but I guess you can't be too sure how people would vote... Hmmm.
Posted 22 January 2009 at 10:51
0 posts
I personally dont see what the big idea of voting/rating on other people's decks is. I look at what other people have done to spark ideas for myself, not to rate whether my deck is better or worse than theirs. You never know how people are going to rate anything you put up on here. Half of the people who do rate/vote on it, dont usually leave much comment to help with feedback anyways. On top of that you get "clans" of people who purposely downrate/vote other people's decks just to keep theirs on the top of the lists. Of course I am just speaking from personal experience on some other sites that I have been a member of and Im not saying this kind of stuff will happen here, but I do believe that rating/voting other people's decks is kinda mute if you dont give proper feedback. Simply put, giving someone a 10 out of 10 or a 1 out of 10 and not telling them why or, more importantly, how to fix the problems does absolutely squat to help them become better.
Posted 22 January 2009 at 19:42
229 posts
Valid point Indrid, I wonder if at some point in the future we may be able to force a comment along with a vote so if people do want to vote they have to give a reason as to why they're voting.
I guess the idea of the voting system in general is for people to see the "best" decks as voted by like-minded people, but if people get silly with it then it would indeed make the whole thing pointless.
Posted 22 January 2009 at 19:47
6 posts
Good luck, Gary! I look forward to putting my decks in again.
Posted 30 January 2009 at 15:54
229 posts
[quote=Zavier]Good luck, Gary! I look forward to putting my decks in again.[/quote]
Thanks! :)
Just to let everybody know I've got this week off work and will be working on vault all of it. It's time to get this thing back on it's feet.
Without going into too much detail in an old thread I've been working on user registration and general code tidying today. This basically refreshed me and puts me in a good position for tomorrow because I'm planning on doing the big one - Deck Building/Editing, wish me luck! :P
Posted 02 February 2009 at 19:15
6 posts
Good luck!
Posted 02 February 2009 at 20:03
6 posts
* Search by Deck Name, Deck ID, Card Name, Username, User ID.
The search filter is not implemented correctly. When I select "card name" as the search field, the engine is searching for decks with the search term in the deck name instead of for decks containing cards with that name (for example, when I try to find the Wall Deck, a search for card name "Rolling Stones", which is in the deck, doesn't produce any results, whereas searching for "wall deck" as a cardname (!) finds it).
Posted 05 May 2009 at 09:05
6 posts
[QUOTE=aahz77]The search filter is not implemented correctly. When I select "card name" as the search field, the engine is searching for decks with the search term in the deck name instead of for decks containing cards with that name (for example, when I try to find the Wall Deck, a search for card name "Rolling Stones", which is in the deck, doesn't produce any results, whereas searching for "wall deck" as a cardname (!) finds it).[/QUOTE]
Aha, great, now the Filter criterion "Card name" has disappeared from the Deck search. And no comment on my post :confused: - that's not quite what I intended :(
Any plans whether the feature will be implemented, and if yes, when?
(EDIT: And if no, why not? An explanation would be helpful to understand the issue, if there is one)
Posted 11 May 2009 at 17:25
229 posts
Ah yes, I actually forgot to leave a comment, sorry! :p
Basically, I couldn't get it working on that deck search page because of the way it's been written. I have plans to create a new page where you can search for decks based on the cards in them, hopefully allowing you to search for more than one card at a time too. As for when, I can only say it'll be done when it's done, I work on Vault when I get a chance and that's not very often at the moment unfortunately.
I removed the card name option from the current deck search because obviously it wasn't working and there was no point leaving it there to confuse people. If I'm honest I'd forgotten I'd left the option there when I first coded the page.
Posted 11 May 2009 at 23:35
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