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Standard Deck Development
Black and white Theros deck, suggestions/comments would be appreciated
Deck Description
Played black in the prerelease and knew I wanted to play black. Just loved the combinaion of white and black. I played a similar deck at my stores standard tournement and finished 6 out of 20. Lost to better black and white decks and to a blue white heavy enchantment deck.
So I made a few modifactions in order to make the deck better and others to counteract the heavy enchatment deck. Notably addind merciless eviction in the main deck and sideboard to have a mass removal for enchantments. Retired judge familiar for nightveil specter to have midrange flying. Removed phalanx leader(mainly because he fitted bad in the mana curve, I usually had to choose between playing him on turn two and hero's dowfall on turn four or playing somtehing else on turn two in order to play hero's downfall) and replaced him by 1 crypt ghast and 3 soldier of the pantheon. Sideboarded silence in order to make sapce for 2 more ordeal of heliod and Ashen Rider.
A bit long as an explanation but I am open to any suggestion for the main deck or sideboard. Ty
39 posts
Posted 02 October 2013 at 14:02
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