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Standard Deck Development
U/W Seeking Advice.
Hello, I'm fairly new to MTG (Started playing a few months ago :)
Well, I've accumulated a fair amount of card's in this time, a few of which gave me the idea to build something like this.
Keep in mind, this deck is incomplete, and I am missing the angels of Thune lol... the rest I have in my binder, luckily.
So, as you can see, I'm looking towards pairing Sanguine Bond with lifelink, in attmept at creating a double strike where thensecond swing is directly aimed at that of my opponent.
A few extra's I've incorporated are, Path of Bravery, seem's like a nice addition adding some pressure by allowing each atticking creature to not only heal myself, but deal dmg to the enemy.
Another side strategy I've included is the Xanthrid Necromancer's Zombie army, choosing mainly human creatures over other options in order to stay a few steps ahead of the opposition.
In theory this all sounds great from my stand point, but this deck lacks creature buff enchant's, such at divine favor, which would also activate sanguine bond, dealing 3 damage and such....
There's also the Well portion of Alive /// Well for a nice chunk of health/damage, or congregate for that matter....
So, I'm at a stand-still here on a way to finalize and set the bar high for those I'm facing at my FNM tournament's, and I've come to the community for advice.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear what those interested in lending me a hand have to say.
I've chosen to leave the Innistrad block out of this deck, since the block will be cycling our in the near future, I'd dislike becoming comfortable, only to have to revamp my entire deck in a few month's.
It would be much nicer to look for upgrade's in the new block, instead of replacements, right? :)
12 posts
Posted 20 August 2013 at 08:22
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212 posts
The link is not working for me...
Posted 20 August 2013 at 08:36
12 posts
My apologies, I hope this link is functional.
Posted 20 August 2013 at 08:42
212 posts
That worked. Thanks.
The biggest issue I'm seeing is a complete lack of interaction. Your entire deck is focused on your plan. This can sometimes work for faster decks, but this one wants to draw out a longer game with lifelink. You need creature removal for their threats or you will never make it that far.
At the very least, you will want 4x Doom Blade possibly a couple more ways of slowing them down as well.
Another big issue is a complete lack of a mana curve. You've got 2 one drops 4 two drops and then 16 3 drops, etc. It's all over the place and will lead to very unreliable games where you're unlikely to have a play every turn and fall behind because of it.
Posted 20 August 2013 at 09:20
12 posts
Very true, I completely neglected removal and went straight for the goal with-out first taking the appropriate steps leading up to my deck's focus... Thank you for the honest feedback. I'm going to implement some changes right now, it's just difficult for me to decide which card's to drop, or which are more valuable in my scheme than others, heh.
Posted 20 August 2013 at 09:37
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