Discussion Forum

If you were to revalue the cards

How would you do it?

I find the most troublesome part of this game to be the mana costs not making any sense for some cards(sometimes you get to much while others you get to little)

How would you re value the cards manacosts?

Atm i'm thinking of assigning points to each card according to it's manacost:

Each mana symbol = Worth 3 points
Each colorless mana = worth 2 points
Each additional color = +1 extra point


Legendary = -1 p
Defender/Wall= -1 p
Can't block = -1 p


Double Strike = 2 points
First Strike = 1 Point
Flying = 1 point
Hexproof = 2 points
Reach = ½ point
Shroud = 1 point
Trample = 1 point


+1 Power = ½ point
+1 Toughness= ½ point

Sample card:

Seacoast Drake "1I"
1 colorless = 2 points
1 Island = 3 points
Total points this card should have available = 5
power 1(+½p)/ Toughness 3(+1½p)
Flying 1 p

Total spend 3/5 points = The card is overcosted (Granted I think as the game is now it's acceptable, but if we were to a point rule :rolleyes:

Any suggestions for changes?
I suppose I could make the standard ability worth 2 and have: Hexproof, doublestrike, Unblockable and the like at 3-4 points value(would make it easy to place reach and similar abilities at 1 point instead of ½ since it's obviously worse than flying)
Posted 05 August 2013 at 17:25


what would a Tarmogoyf be then

Power = 0
Thoughtness = 1
Mana Cost 1G = 5

So that's 1/5 so the card is clearly overcosted :)

It's just not that simple. Plus there is power creep over 20 years to concider. There are new interactions to concider that didn't exist at the time of the printing. There is the common vs uncommon vs rare vs mythic to concider. And basically they want to sell crap, lot's of crap and a few gems so people keep buying more crap. If every card was a gem people wouldn't buy many boosters.

Another factor is rule changes. When damage was still going on the stack many cards where a lot better then they are now. It killed so many good creatures.

I think the mana cost is much more problematic for the crazy high costed cards like Genesis Wave, Omniscience, Time Stretch, Diabolic Revelation etc... etc... They print these at a random high mana cost so they are likely to be unplayable in competitive formats, basically they don't break standard by printing them. Legacy is something that is not taken into concideration when designing cards. So they are safe. But such cards are rediculous in multiplayer formats like Commander.
Posted 06 August 2013 at 06:38
