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Mono Blue Mill Deck

Hi everybody,

I'm building a mill deck that's supposed to be Mono Blue and very low budget. Also, I'm trying to build it in a way that can last for a long time in Standard (so no rotating cards, almost).

Here's the link http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/milling-in-the-blue/

Any suggestions?
Posted 30 July 2013 at 11:49


I hate to say it, but without m13 or innistrad and without black I don't think this is going to work very well. In the deck you're looking for, cards like mind sculpt, dream twist, and jaces phantasm are essential. However, a Dimir mill deck with only new cards is very possible. You could splash black for consuming abberation, duskmantle guildmage, mirko vosk, paranoid delusions, dimir charm, and some removal, such as doom blade. None of these cards are expensive at all, and if you stay in only two colors dual lands are completely unnecessary for budget players. Currently the deck just doesn't have enough ways to mill, and no other threats. I like the use of elite arcanist, but the walls seem weak. I would pull out at least some of the walls and some counterspells to include the black cards that I mentioned. Good luck :)
Posted 30 July 2013 at 15:01


Hey, thanks for the answer!
My plan was to keep one colour only for budget reasons, since I'm pretty sure that splashing some black would make double lands necessary after a while. Do you think the combo Doorkeeper plus walls is not effective?
Posted 30 July 2013 at 22:54


In only two colors you don't really need dual lands. If you feel like you do though, guildgates suffice. :) as for the defender combo, it works, its just fragile. You need at least a few defenders for it to do anything, and after one board wipe your whole strategy is gone... multi card strategies need to work right away and have immediate impact. This one just takes a bit too long to be worth it in my opinion.
Posted 30 July 2013 at 23:06
