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Returning player... old collection still viable?

Hey all.

I just returned to MTG through a colleague who was playing the Steam Games and now started to get some cards.
My cards date back to 8th core edition with a lot from Mirrodin and Kamigawa, so probably 10 years old.

Are my cards still "good enough" to play against current blocks? I don't plan to do some tournaments, just casual and maybe some FNM (I think my cards are still allowed in Modern, but at the bottom of the list ^^).

Is it worth buying new cards from current/coming blocks or will I stand a chance with what I've got?

(didn't count them but probably 1500 cards for mirrodin/8th and 1500+ for kamigawa)
Posted 16 July 2013 at 10:48


The power creep of recent blocks has been through the roof. Overall though there a few good cards in every block and many, many bad cards, it's the way it works. The bigger/older the format the more the few really good cards stick out and the worse the rest gets.

When playing casual you'll have to see where you get with what you have and then improve your deck by buying singles. But casual can be just as brutal as tournament play it all depends on your play group. There are ways to level the playing field, playing commander for instance is a great way to play casual. It encourages building towards multiplayer games and slows down the pace. Slower games means you can play cards that are otherwise unplayable due to high casting cost and such, these cards are usually cheaper then tournament viable cards.
Another great format is Cube Draft. You should look that up, it's fair for everyone and its free once you have a cube.
Posted 16 July 2013 at 11:00


It sounds like most of your collection is Modern legal so they're not that outdated. There is some amount of power creep but plenty of those older cards are pretty broken on there own. It really depends on what you actually have.

Kamigawa has some broken stuff like Kokusho and Jitte... Mirrodin was just a broken set. You should be fine.

It wouldn't hurt to get some new cards and you can likely do it via trading if you don't want to invest money into it. There's a decent market for modern or EDH staples which you may have a good amount of from those sets.
Posted 16 July 2013 at 11:19


I looked up the Cube Draft format and really like the idea, probably needs more players for that (just 2 at the moment, maybe 3), but very interesting indeed.

And I found some Pauper/Peasant variant that looked great, have to read up a bit it seems.

Is the new "Scars of Mirrodin" block compatible with the old one? Maybe I can boost my stuff a bit with them.
Posted 17 July 2013 at 12:14


[QUOTE=Ghorron]I looked up the Cube Draft format and really like the idea, probably needs more players for that (just 2 at the moment, maybe 3), but very interesting indeed.

And I found some Pauper/Peasant variant that looked great, have to read up a bit it seems.

Is the new "Scars of Mirrodin" block compatible with the old one? Maybe I can boost my stuff a bit with them.[/QUOTE]

yeah the big downside of Cube Draft is that you need at least 6 people, 8 is better. You can draft with 2 people and use for instance the Winston Draft rules which are pretty good but it's a lot of preperation to just draft with just 2 people and play a few games with what you drafted. That said you should at least give Winston draft a try (with for instance 6 regular boosters if you don't have a cube yet) just to have tried it because it's just good to be aware of this drafting format.

the rules can be found here


Scars of Mirrodin is a real fun set, I liked it a lot. Tons of new fun artifacts and artifact creatures and abilities. For more artifact stuff you should also look into Alara Block, tons of new artifacts in that block and very good artifact synergies.
Posted 17 July 2013 at 13:44


I finally took some time and went through my boxes full of cards to organize them a bit.


I am open for any deck recommendations with that stuff I have, maybe some Affinity (Mirrodin) or Sprit (Kamigawa) deck ...?

Also I found some starter decks I bought back then, 3 Kamigawa and like all 5 from 8th edition ... I probably can use any of these as a base deck.

Also looked at the drafting rules and really like the format, have to try it out next time we meet up and play some matches. Group is already grown to 6 people so a cube draft my be possible :)
Posted 22 July 2013 at 21:28


Well you can also try looking up commander, you got some nice commanders already for that.

Azusa and Kiki Jiki are great cards to build around with.
Posted 29 July 2013 at 13:03
