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Sealed with friends

What are good sets to do sealed with with friends (assuming we have 1 box between 6 people).
Posted 09 June 2013 at 03:54


Just Cube IMO.

There's always Modern Masters which IMO would be better sealed since you don't have to deal with opening high value packs and not wanting to give up a money rare/foil in a draft... You'd need two boxes for that though to work 6 people and it's currently rediculously overpriced due to the hype and not worth the money.
Posted 10 June 2013 at 05:59


I have to agree, what you need is a cube. While sealed might be fun you are not going to get much value out of a box and you'll just end up with lots of useless cards afterwards. It's only good when you're new and have to start from scratch or when you want to sell cards from the latest set.

Just go through your entire collection and throw a cube together. I've never played a cubedraft that wasn't fun, and I've drafted plenty of cubes created by totally different people with totally different budgets. It's always been great.

PS: post your cube here, we'll help balance it out

use http://tappedout.net/ to build it, they support the cube format and online cube testing
this is the official cube draft site: http://www.cubedrafting.com/
this is my cube (somewhat outdated though): http://tappedout.net/mtg-cube-drafts/dobcube2011/ (try the OPEN PACK button :))
Posted 10 June 2013 at 06:53


I can't even come close to affording an entire cube. Plus, I'm not sure cube would be that great for sealed, since in draft you can get what you want, but in sealed, you cannot. Add in the fact that you wont have very many multiples of one card makes it hard to do a sealed cube. Not to mention I don't want to put a ton of money in on something that wont be used often.
Posted 10 June 2013 at 14:09


A cube doesn't need to be expensive to be fun, just balanced is enough. At a FNM place I used to go a lot they had a common/uncommon cube. It was dirt cheap and a blast to draft from (concidering how many good commons there are).
A pauper cube will feature a far better card play value avarage per pack then boosters ever will and will be balanced where boosters are not.

If you really prefer sealed over draft despite the obvious drawback that you mentioned yourself then I think in theory 6 cube boosters will still outmatch 6 normal boosters. The big difference between cube and boosters is that a cube is singleton. You should randomize your boosters with an even number of colors in each booster so you get an even spread. Although I've never done this, sealed from a cube should be no different then sealed from boosters.

If you have some friends who have been playing a while just have each of them donate some commons for the cube, even without buying a single card most groups that have been playing for a while should be able to create a cube from what they have.
Posted 10 June 2013 at 14:30


There's tons of different ways to draft a cube and sealed certainly works just fine.

As Seth mentioned, the average power level of the cube "packs" will be far higher than the average power level of a random booster pack so you'll be able to draft a much better deck than you would from just a normal sealed pool even accounting for the singleton nature.

If you're only planning on doing this as a one time thing rather than getting more deeply into it, just get your friends to go to a local prerelease with you. M14 comes out next month and that will be a blast.
Posted 11 June 2013 at 06:01
