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Aurelia, the Warleader EDH
Looking for some input for my new Aurelia EDH deck. I'm not new to the format, but I am new to multiplayer aggro decks. The link to my deck is below. Any input is appreciated.
6 posts
Posted 24 May 2013 at 20:23
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349 posts
looks very good man, I'm not a fan of Chaos Warp and you could use more burn in my opinion but that makes the deck even worse in multiplayer.
If you resort to burn you could play cards like Ensnaring Bridge which can be a benefit for a deck like yours.
That said there's no such thing as a multiplayer aggro deck, aggro always comes at the cost of card disadvantage and multiplayer is by defenition a format where everything you play creates card disadvantage so you are setting yourself up to lose.
In case you have not figured this out yet this is the big difference between 1on1 vs multiplayer:
1 vs 1: my opponent plays Kitchen Finks and I play Swords to Plowshares to remove it. This was a 1 for 1 swap of cards and has not created card disadvantage for me. However if I would have played terminate his kitchen finks would have persisted and I would need 2 cards to get rid of his 1 card = card disadvantage.
same situation in a 5 player game:
all players are holding 7 cards. Player 1 plays kitchen finks and is now 4 cards behind on his opponents (he has 6 cards and his opponents have 28 cards in total that can potentially kill him, for each 1 card he has they have 4, those 6 cards need to defend against those 28 cards in a worst case scenario). This is because if each opponent plays 1 problem card that this one player has to defend against with a card of his own he would needs 4 cards if he resorted to cards like swords to plowshares that trade 1 for 1.
This is like I said a worst case scenario where everyone teams up on one player, usually this is not the case. That and each players isn't holding a hand of 100% problem cards, there's always lands and shit. It is however a fact that players will attack the player posing the greatest threat. Aggro decks draw a lot of attention which creates a situation where they get teamed up upon and that in combination with a lack of ways to draw extra cards is a recipy for disaster in multiplayer. I've never seen a straight aggro deck win a multiplayer game ever.
Posted 27 May 2013 at 08:27
212 posts
You should be playing Boros Keyrune with all the pump effects you have... a hard to remove double striker is much better than the average mana rock for this.
Academy Rector seems a little pointless here. There's not really anything there you'll want to search out... maybe the True Conviction but even then that's more of a win more card. Glory of Warfare doesn't belong at all. It's too costly for the mediocre effect.
If you're running Sunforger, you need a bigger/better sunforger package as well as a means of putting cards from your graveyard back into your library to reuse it. Mistveil Plains does this but you'd probably be better with at least one more source of it.
Austere Command as your only wipe is not enough IMO. You can always use one of the red damaged based wipes like Chain Reaction to go along with your indestructible/pro red stuff.
Your curve seems really high to me for some reason. It's probably not too bad but when going for an aggro build in EDH, you need to be able to get started quickly and having so many 5+ drops is not going to lead to any quick kills.
Card draw seems to be a big problem here. Mind's Eye is great but red has access to a lot of wheel effects which isn't exactly a bad thing. It disrupts the combo players and ruins a lot of tutor fueled plays. Nearly anything you discard, you can get back easily in white.
If you're running Land Tax, you should be running Scroll Rack. You'll get the early mana advantage but then it becomes a Draw 3, shuffle the lands back in every turn once you're more set on lands.
I tend to agree with Seth on the Chaos Warp. It's a great spell and can permanently tuck some generals but you're already playing White which answers every permanent type better without the risks. It's an auto include in red decks that aren't in white but white just does it better. I'd rather use Oblation personally. You don't risk giving them something bigger for free and you can always use it on something of yours in response to removal for a free draw.
Posted 28 May 2013 at 05:35
349 posts
in response to some of the things Epsilon noted
- Elixir of Immortality might be a good way to reshuffle your graveyard and get your Sunforger targets back
- Final Judgment solves a lot of problems if you decide to run more sweepers, that and oblivion stone are probably the two best sweepers in your colors
Another sweeper that might serve your deck well is Razia's Purification. It's not a very nice spell, might piss poeple of, but at least it's fair and might help you against green decks.
- I would run Yosei, the Morning Star in this deck, he's just a one card power house and there's no reason not to include him.
Posted 28 May 2013 at 07:14
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