Discussion Forum

Advice Welcome on Standard Bant Deck


I'm trying to build a Bant 3-color deck using Standard-only, and my card pool is limited to mostly RTR block (only a handful of 2013 or earlier cards).

I also don't own any of these usual heavy hitters:

Supreme Verdict
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
Loxodon Smiter
Sphinx's Revelation
Voice of Resurgence
Advent of the Wurm
Wolfir Silverheart

So barring buying hundreds of dollars in rares, what do you think could be changed/modified? This will most likely be used in multiplayer games - usually 3-4 person FFA, but occasionally 1v1 as well.

Tried to make sure I always had a one-drop creature, at least 1 very good drop at each late turn, plenty of mana fixing...
Posted 24 May 2013 at 16:45


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