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Standard Deck Development
Can It Be Saved
A friend help me put this deck with the only the RTR Block cards since they were the only ones that were easy to find and thats also why I don't have a sideboard available. In short performed very poorly at FNM. With that said can this deck be saved?
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Posted 16 May 2013 at 06:02
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It needs a better focus... right now it's all over the place and has too many high cost creatures/spells or others that do nothing. You have 12 6 drops. That's more than an EDH deck should have and WAY more than is viable in a standard constructed deck.
16 spells but two meleks is a huge waste. Especially when over half of those spells have 0 benefit when copied. For Melek to be viable, over half of the deck needs to be instant/sorceries.
The deck is too slow to be aggressive so Madcap Skills is pointless here.
The deck has very limited removal which means it likely won't even survive to the later game where you can even begin to start casting your high cost spells.
What do you want the deck to do? It is viable within the colors even just using ravnica block stuff but the current build is pretty bad.
Posted 16 May 2013 at 07:43
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I am thinking of it being a faster more aggressive deck, but the few decks I have seen are Izzet, Orzhov, maybe Dimir, a Reanimator, and last one I know is a Demon deck. Those are the potential decks I have seen or faced when I last played. I also have found more of my cards from the sets which means I got more then enough cards from each set to put a better deck together but Dark Ascension is a little light on blue side.
Posted 16 May 2013 at 08:44
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