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Critique this deck for Standard Tourney
Need some critiques/comments on this deck:
I am entering my first Standard tourney in a few weeks. After playtesting some different decks, this is the one I am going with. It is VERY fast.... most of the creatures are 3 mana or less to cast. Burning-Tree Emissary ramps creatures. Zhur-Taa Druid tims the opponent as I cast stuff. The fatties are there for their bloodrush capabilities, which are all 3 mana or less. They can be hard-cast in a pinch, but the key to this deck is fast and deadly, then get out a Wild Beastmaster, and pump it with Bloodrush to make everything huge and stompy. I tested it against a mono-red burn deck, and it crushed it. Crushed a mill deck before it could even get rolling. Crushed a Boros deck, although he couldn't get out his Reckoners, which could have caused problems. The only match It has trouble with was a mirror against another Gruul deck, but once they played Zhur-Taa Ancient, giving me all the mana I needed and more, it was all over.
Sideboard is pretty vanilla. Witchbane Orbs stop burn to the dome. Grafdigger's Cage freeze out Snapcasters and flashback decks. Was thinking of throwing some Pithing Needles in to shut down combo decks, but unsure.
Anyone have suggestions for improvement? I was going to throw in a Savageborn Hydra or two, but otherwise, I'm open for suggestions.
22 posts
Posted 15 May 2013 at 20:05
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