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Deck Challenge: Standard Four Color Control
This week we'll be taking on standard with four color control! Four color control i've found to be quite a hassle to play against yet extremely fun to play with. the deck typically has a lot of stall or lifegain and in doing so provides enough breathing room for you to get your deck going and slowly steal the ground out from under your opponents feet with cards whether its turning the tides with Thragtusk, or extortion with Blind Obedience In the end Its always the same, a victory at all costs.
The rules are as follows
1. The deck can be no more than 60 cards
2. No net-decking
3. Build with any cards regardless of whether you own them or not, you're playing to win.
4. The deck must be submitted within the time limit (in this case, a week.)
5. It must include a sideboard
6. There must be a deck description and you have to tell us how the deck is played.
7. Finally HAVE FUN!
The winners deck will be featured in next weeks article!
Check out last weeks winner _Epsilon_ 's Modern Stax deck
Congrats dude!
As for this week good luck and have fun!
634 posts
Posted 25 April 2013 at 22:34
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