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Seth's Sedris EDH Deck

Hey guys

made a new deck and finally made the effort to share it here.


feel free to pick it appart. It's a first untested build so I'm sure there's all sorts of stuff that can be optimized. Note: I play Library of Alexandria as long as no one objects and so far no one has :) It's powerful, sure, but unlike other broken cards like sol ring it's not all over the place as very few people have it and EDH is the only format I feel like it has a home.


Posted 02 April 2013 at 13:56


Picked apart.
Posted 03 April 2013 at 06:48


Thanks man, I really appreciate the input.

Some of the feedback I agree with 100%, well probably all of it but I think I just need to clear up some of my decision making because reading you're response some of the choices do seem out of place.

First of, the intention was to make a 1on1 deck that plays pretty fair and is pretty casual, there's no way I'm taking this to a tournament. I don't think Sedris makes a good multiplayer general because I think green based multicolor decks would overpower me and I lack the ability to shuffle back my graveyard over and over for the really long games. As Sedris exiles his own graveyard I think shuffling back just isn't that great.

What is great is his color combination. They are really fun control colors and red adds some really agressive options. So instead of making your typical Sedris focussed General deck I see Sedris as a general that gives you the ability to create an aggro control style singleton deck that plays just fine without its general (the way I like it) with the option of a sudden all in graveyard based attack which I know from experience can be quite lethal especially if the other guy is low on resources.

So with this in mind I'll give some feedback to your feedback.

[quote]No Teferi's Veil? Cheating the EOT exile trigger of Sedris like a boss. [/quote]

Cool, I didn't know about this card. I'm going to look for it as it does seem very nice. To be honest I thought unearth couldn't be cheated. I take it the creature does retain the sacrifice trigger as phasing doesn't really involve a zone change but as it is never really there at the end step it just never gets exiled as long as you attack each turn, right?

Why Palinchron? Aside from the potential combo with Minion Reflector, there's no real point to playing him... There's no real uses for infinite mana in the deck (Top/Future Sight aside) and having him in at all without the combo will just draw you unneeded hate in an otherwise "fair" deck.

To be honest, the way I created this deck was to go through some maps until I had plenty of cards on my desk and then I just threw them together, palinchron is one of those cards I like a lot and it was available (I have 10 Commander decks currently so a lot just isn't available). In my opinion he's just a good creature and with unearth he gives me 4 extra mana to unearth even more and go for the kill. As I won't play this deck in multiplayer (much) I'm not worried much about drawing attention. People usually ask if you're playing an abusive combo when they see palinchron and I'll say I don't which settles the matter. That's pretty much how we do it.

Why play Ambition's Cost/Ancient Craving over Syphon Mind? Same CMC and all upside for likely the same number (or more) of cards drawn in an average game. You have a lot of one shot draw effects, wouldn't it be better to use something like Phyrexian Arena/Rhystic Study for more long term advantage? I guess that would be meta specific. Another option would be Recurring Insight which will net you a lot more cards over two turns for just a little more on up front cost. [/quote]

I came to the same conclusion after building the deck, I agree that phyrexian arena should be in there. I chose ambitions cost and ancient graving over my usual concentrate and tidings because of the easier casting cost, the 3 damage I take don't really bother me. Syphon mind and rhystic study are power houses in multiplayer but that wasn't my focus. I do need to play those cards more often, they are awesome, thanks!
I have mixed feelings about Reccuring insight, every time I see someone playing it I feel really abused but it's high casting cost hold me back from playing it myself. Usually playing these colors I need to not miss land drops the first 6 turns, that's my priority. So I usually play cheaper costed draw spells and reccuring insight doesn't make the final cut. I might try to find a spot for it though, as I said I fully agree that it is really abusive.

On the topic of rhystic study, does it really work in your group? in my group it just means all your spells cost one more and allowing someone to draw cards from rhystic study is really not appreciated, it angers players. So basically you need to force poeple to make you draw cards by playing really agressive and put enough pressure so they are forced to ignore study or die. I might put it in as I'm a really big rhystic study fan. But it takes a special kind of build in my opinion and I don't know this build is it.

40 lands seems like too many to me. You have four mana rocks which should cut the number of lands by two there plus all the draw/filter effects in the deck also will help you hit your land drops reliably with fewer total. I think you'd be just fine on 35-36 lands. [/quote]

I will try it because it will open spots for more draw spells but I'm really afraid of missing land drops early on, I totally hate that especially with all the super abusive green decks. Do note that people still play Primeval Titan where I play (which is wy I play lots of clone effects and have urborg + coffers) and it gets crazy. Also I only play 39 lamd currently, maze of ith doesn't count.

Cabal Coffers is questionable. [/quote]

Agreed, maybe I'll play wasteland or stripmine or something simular for this spot.

[quote] would definitely suggest running Gem of Becoming to pull out three duals and completely fix your mana right there. [/quote]

Interesting, didn't know about that card, thanks

[quote]With all the pain lands, why not play City of Brass or similar to get all your fixing rather than just two colors? Also, where is command tower?[/quote]

I'll put in city of brass, forgot about that one. My 5 command towers are already in use in my other decks.

Thanks again man, this gives me stuff to think about
Posted 03 April 2013 at 13:49


So far I cut

Telling time
Rakdos signet
Cabal coffers
Urborg, tomb of Y

Nicol bolas planeswalker
Geth, lord of the vault


phyrexian arena
Rhystic study
Darksteel ingot
Recurring insight

Nicol bolas (the dragon, seems more in theme with the deck and I never play him)
Knollspine dragon
Posted 03 April 2013 at 17:47


Unearth creates two delayed triggers. 1. Exile at end of turn. With Teferi's Veil, they phase out and are not seen when the EoT trigger goes off. It will not trigger again. 2. Exile when it leaves play instead of putting it anywhere but exile. Phasing gets around the first trigger but they'll still be exiled if they die. Blink effects get around both. The blink effect exiles the card which fulfills the requirements of the second trigger and then proceeds to bring it back as a new object.

Rhystic Study is pretty obnoxious in my groups... People rarely pay for it unless they have extra mana. It's too much of a detriment to be taxed 1 on every spell when everyone else just ignores it. Even the rare times it does get paid, you're slowing the table down significantly just to deny you extra cards. Whether people pay it or not, you're getting huge value out of it.

I have to disagree that green decks are dominant. Ramp is extremely powerful but there's plenty of artifact based ramp and most of the top tier generals aren't chosen for being green. Arcum, Azami, Zur, Sharuum, Jhoira, Niv-Mizzet, and several others are all highly competitive without being in green. Animar, Rafiq, Uril, Mimeoplasm, Ghave all have green in them but that isn't why they're powerful. Sure decks like Maelstrom Wanderer, Riku, Edric and Azusa are super powerful because of ramp but it's still artifact ramp that enables the craziest plays.
Posted 04 April 2013 at 06:30


[QUOTE=_Epsilon_]Unearth creates two delayed triggers. 1. Exile at end of turn. With Teferi's Veil, they phase out and are not seen when the EoT trigger goes off. It will not trigger again. 2. Exile when it leaves play instead of putting it anywhere but exile. Phasing gets around the first trigger but they'll still be exiled if they die. Blink effects get around both. The blink effect exiles the card which fulfills the requirements of the second trigger and then proceeds to bring it back as a new object. [/Quote]

Wow thanks, that opens options.

[Quote]Rhystic Study is pretty obnoxious in my groups... People rarely pay for it unless they have extra mana. It's too much of a detriment to be taxed 1 on every spell when everyone else just ignores it. Even the rare times it does get paid, you're slowing the table down significantly just to deny you extra cards. Whether people pay it or not, you're getting huge value out of it. [/quote]

That would really upset poeple in the group where I learned to play, for them in multiplayer card advantage wins games, if you give an opponent a card without a very good reason its like you're sabotaging the game on purpose, they would get very angry. Can't say I can argue with their logic.
Posted 04 April 2013 at 07:43


[QUOTE=Seth]That would really upset poeple in the group where I learned to play, for them in multiplayer card advantage wins games, if you give an opponent a card without a very good reason its like you're sabotaging the game on purpose, they would get very angry. Can't say I can argue with their logic.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree. However, a lot of the players in the meta either don't care because they're focused on "going off" themselves or they just don't realize how powerful card advantage is. With half the players already letting someone draw, it becomes extremely dangerous to tax yourself so more often then not, the Rhystic player will have a full grip from it.
Posted 04 April 2013 at 09:09


played a few games with the deck so far, it runs well and it feels pretty strong. A maze of it gave me some trouble and I had no way to get rid of it so I will probably add a way to deal with permanents, probably Nicol Bolas Planeswalker or Karn or the elephant creature that destroys up to 3 permanents.

Rhystic Study was good so far, not to crazy but good.

cheers man
Posted 05 April 2013 at 18:13
