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Prerelease Stories???

Anyone have any exciting stories from the gatecrash prerelease?

I went simic, pulled fathom mage (duh), zegana, master biomancer, unexpected results, biomass mutation, luminate primordial, and deathpact angel. Unfortunately I only went 2-4, cause my common and uncommon pool was horrible... however, master biomancer and biomass mutation proved to be a force to be reckoned with, dropping my opponent to -65 after attacking with 7 11/11s one turn. xD

Anyone else got something?
Posted 28 January 2013 at 04:42


I went to the pre-release and it was just...just...I made a terrible mistake. I made the worst play error ever. When they asked me what guild I wanted I said "Gruul".

The reasoning was stupid. My friends that I went with wanted to have us all do different guilds and Orzhov, boros and Simic were already taken and I don't like dimir so I went gruul. I thought it could be pretty good with the bloodrush mechanic but dear lord I was wrong. Gruul was absolutly terrible. It may have been that I simply didn't get the right cards but the deck was just...awful.

So I lost the first match 0-2 to a very well built Dimir deck.

Lost the second match 0-2 to an okay Simic Deck.

At this time I was just so frustrated with the deck I broke it apart and with the last 20 minutes in the round made a BWR deck with the cards I had. Lo and behold I actually started winning.

Won 2-1 against Boros

Won 2-0 against another dimir.

The extort mechanic is just so boss. Its almost broken for limited if you can stick your threats. I kept red because i had a lot of really good red. I pulled a foil Hellkite tyrant. That made my day
Posted 28 January 2013 at 07:23


Yeah, extort is amazing in limited... I had a forced adaptation on a fathom mage that got to 9/9. She was unblockable because of way of the thief, and I drew an extra card every turn. My last turn I played zegana and drew 10 more cards. Chunked him for 9, but he had 9 extort creatures and a crypt ghast, so it didn't really matter...there was literally nothing else i could do...kinda sad, seeing such big creatures be dominated by extort. :p and I played two headed giant today, and I must say, extort is even more broken in 2hg! Lots of people did a double orzhov pair and did extremely well
Posted 28 January 2013 at 07:31


two headed giant is a favorate format of mine. Though were you just playing whateves 2hg or offical 2hg? Offical 2hg states that you can still only have 4 of a single non-basic land card between the two decks. And you can't extort off of a permanent your partner owns.

I had not thoght of using an extort deck in 2hg. There are only 11 cards with extort so not quite enough to run in EDH and not very many are good in constructed formats. But when I draft I"ll bet that i'll do BW/x 90% of the time. Or at least sway towards a deck that splashes black or white for an extort card. white is probably the most powerful color in draft for Gatecrash.
Posted 28 January 2013 at 07:37


Formal, and yeah but the extort hits each opponents to sap 2 life total, and if that happens 4 times a turn with sealed decks.......I lose. Lmao

And yeah white is really strong. Angelic edict is some of the most solid removal this set. Not to mention guardian of the gateless + the protection from creatures enchantment is always a possibility. Pretty unlikely, yet hilarious.
Posted 28 January 2013 at 07:41


[QUOTE=Gaspartacus]Formal, and yeah but the extort hits each opponents to sap 2 life total, and if that happens 4 times a turn with sealed decks.......I lose. Lmao

And yeah white is really strong. Angelic edict is some of the most solid removal this set. Not to mention guardian of the gateless + the protection from creatures enchantment is always a possibility. Pretty unlikely, yet hilarious.[/QUOTE]

oh wow... I never looked closely at the extort mechanic. It does say "all opponents". that does make it rather good in multiplayer....hmm.... I'm looking now into funny multiplayer deck for this.
Posted 28 January 2013 at 07:46


Its extremely powerful, but I can see a lot of people targeting you if you try that stuff in edh. Maybe specialized 2hg decks though. I had a guttersnipe deck made specifically for 2hg for a while, and extort is just as good
Posted 28 January 2013 at 07:50


I saw something like this.

Vizkopa guildmage (ability activated) + blood artist (hopefully multiples) and other things like soulcage fiend and extort mechanics. Then just sweep and everyone takes tons of lifedamge.
Posted 28 January 2013 at 07:53


Very nice. Does it run exquisite Blood?
Posted 28 January 2013 at 07:58


[QUOTE=Gaspartacus]Its extremely powerful, but I can see a lot of people targeting you if you try that stuff in edh. Maybe specialized 2hg decks though. I had a guttersnipe deck made specifically for 2hg for a while, and extort is just as good[/QUOTE]

One damage untargetted pings rarely draw too much attention in EDH until it's too late.

I got a pretty horrible pool of commons/uncommons going Dimir but some decent rares. I didn't have enough removal like a control deck needs (even if I splashed another color) so my deck was very hit or miss. I ended up going 3-3.

I did have quite a few awesome games though. In one game I got down to 1 life, with the opponent still at 20 and having more than enough to kill me on his turn. I did have the dimir promo in play though and he had ~15 cards in his graveyard and one blocker. I cast Totally Lost on the blocker and it milled exactly 5 cards to his graveyard from the aberation to make him exactly 20/20. I also had additional spells I could cast if necessary to mill him more. He was shocked.

Contaminated Ground color screwed a lot of players...

My very first game I had an unblockable 1/1 with the mill 3 and Undercity Plague ciphers on him... Milled him out with him completely unable to do anything the whole game since he had to sac everything and discard... I kinda felt bad for him.
Posted 28 January 2013 at 08:06


Yeah dimir surprised me. My friend went dimir and ended up going 3-3 with mostly mill. Ended up milling out everyone he played at least once (except a mill mirror match)

And first game of the day? Wow, not a bad start at all
Posted 28 January 2013 at 08:11


I did loose to a really well done dimir deck. unblockalbe and the mill 3 was pretty bad and then he had 2 or 3 of the 4cmc black removal that mills me for my creature's power. He hit my hellkite tyrant with that and swung with a wight of precinct six. So he was swinging for like 8 with one guy and killing everything I played. Dimir can be good but only if built right and it takes on a lot of risk.

It was like izzet in RTR. IT "could" be good but it required taking a lot of risks with getting the right cards.
Posted 28 January 2013 at 08:44


[QUOTE=Orzhov Faithful]I did loose to a really well done dimir deck. unblockalbe and the mill 3 was pretty bad and then he had 2 or 3 of the 4cmc black removal that mills me for my creature's power. He hit my hellkite tyrant with that and swung with a wight of precinct six. So he was swinging for like 8 with one guy and killing everything I played. Dimir can be good but only if built right and it takes on a lot of risk.

It was like izzet in RTR. IT "could" be good but it required taking a lot of risks with getting the right cards.[/QUOTE]

Sounds about right. Izzet was great if you could get enough instants or sorceries (or frostburn weirds) and dimir seems to need a lot of controlly stuff and unblockable creatures to work. Either that or tons of mill.
Posted 28 January 2013 at 17:51
