Discussion Forum

New Favorite Guildleader

Now that the guildleaders are all spoiled, which of them is your favorite?

The spoilers are here.
My favorite is Zegana, and I plan to own an EDH around her.
Posted 10 January 2013 at 02:36


Zegana is definitely a boss. I think Lazav has a lot of flavor as well. I'll probably be building EDH decks around both of them at some point.
Posted 10 January 2013 at 11:45


Ghost dad is by far my favorite. here is my list

1) Obzedat, ghost council
2) Aurelia, the warleader
3) Jarad, golgari lich lord
4) Niv-mizzet, Dracogenius
5) Trostani, voice of sleyesnia
6) Prime speaker Zegana
7) Rakdos, lord of riots
8) Lazav, dimir mastermind
9) Ispera, supreme judge
10) Borborygmos Enraged

not in playable order as that would be Obzedat, Zegana, Aurelia, and the rest don't matter as they are nigh unplayble in standard.

but thats my list.
Posted 28 January 2013 at 07:34


[QUOTE=Orzhov Faithful]not in playable order as that would be Obzedat, Zegana, Aurelia, and the rest don't matter as they are nigh unplayble in standard.

but thats my list.[/QUOTE]

I agree that ghost daddy is the most playable, but I honestly don't think Aurelia is playable in standard. She can't be played in pure boros since they would need to run a dumb amount of lands to support her since they have 0 draw and a keyrune for ramp. UWR would, 10 times out of 10, prefer a Thundermaw instead b/c it costs 1 mana less, doesn't trade with resto, doesn't die to mortars, and has a better ability for a non-creature heavy deck. Her being a 6-drop puts her in the awkward position of being 1 mana more than a Thundermaw, and 1 mana less than a Serenity (while being a worse wincon than both). Also, blinking Aurelia is a bad idea (due to mana reasons). The only deck I see her being in is Naya Midrange as a 1-2 of (although she has to compete with armada wurm, I think she and him are about equal).
Posted 29 January 2013 at 13:01


As far as gatecrash goes, its all about prime time for me. Drop master biomancer, then soulbind a wolfir silverheart, then drop zegana...Draw all the cards, beat some faces...sounds like a good plan to me.

Here's my ranking.
Prime Advantage Zegana
Niv Mizzet
Borborygmos (craaaazy combos with this guy)
Posted 31 January 2013 at 01:50
