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Think Twice vs. Divination
I posted this in the Standard Legal Deck Development, then realized it should go here.
What reasons would you have to use Think Twice instead of Divination?
The only one I can think of is that you have something that synergizes with Flashback?
82 posts
Posted 11 December 2012 at 20:34
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349 posts
think twice is instant speed and allows you to keep mana open and play on your opponents turn. Thats a big deal for draw go style decks and aggro control decks in general.
Posted 11 December 2012 at 22:55
82 posts
Alright, so instant is good. I can agree with that. But that mana cost is atrocious for a single card. In a mill token generation deck ( wouldn't Thought Scour work for the better?
Posted 11 December 2012 at 23:01
349 posts
I'm confused by your question, To me you're either asking
- Why do they print this card when they also print this card which is just all round better. In that case, deal with it, Wizards prints many crap cards and a few good cards, they've always done this and they keep on doing that. To me divination is utter crap, 3 mana for 2 cards at sorcery speed is as bad as it gets but hey I'm used to drawing 3 cards for 1 mana at instant speed. So it's a matter of perspective.
- Either that was your real question or you've seen a deck that actually prefers Think Twice over divination and you don't understand why. In that case post a link to that deck. I remember when people where playing Tarmogoyf and Quirion Dryad with Think Twice to great effect, I believe that was in standard back then, either that or it was extended but I don't think so. Anyway you could boost Goyf or Dryad at instant speed if you wanted and you had mana open for counterspells, it was a very strong skill intensive deck.
I've always liked think twice, I think it's nicly balanced and offeres a lot potential. It's one of those cards for advanced players, it requires skill in both deck building and when you play. It's no brainstorm but it's no divination either :)
PS: the deck you posted obviously wants to play a lot of spells at instant speed, so the more instants the better as it allows you to keep mana open. Thought Scour is a cantrip, it's not card advantage, Think Twice gives you 2 cards for 1, Scour gives you 1 card for one. The cards are very different, both are good but very different.
Posted 12 December 2012 at 08:59
82 posts
I guess my question was why pay more for less cards, or even more overall for the same number of card draw. But it makes sense now. That is my deck that I am building, and it started with Divination. I know you said that with Think Twice I would be able to draw two cards, but in a mill specific deck would the added bonus of milling the opponent in Thought Scour outweigh the extra card draw from Think Twice?
Posted 12 December 2012 at 20:18
349 posts
not really, milling for 2 is kinda useless, it's a waste of mana and time. If your opponent is beating your head in is Thought Scour going to save you? That's the question I ask myself for every card I play.
That said I don't really believe in mill strategies unless they are really fast and use a shell that can defend itself.
I played UB mill for a while on magic online when I was still very new to magic and that deck had a good clock with Glimpse the unthinkable, Traumatize and spot removal + damantion for defense. No creatures. That deck actually won me lots of games in casual play. A card like damnation was really crucial to turn the tide.
I don't know much about the current state of standard but I can see that your deck would really struggle with fast aggro decks. You have no way that you can slow them down.
Posted 13 December 2012 at 09:01
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