Discussion Forum

Infinite Loop draw?

If I control Transcendence (which keeps me from losing the game when I have less than 0 life, but heals me back towards the 20 that kills me), and Rain of Gore (which makes me lose life instead of gaining it), would the introduction of any form of life-loss affecting my life total end up forcing an infinite loop, and therefore a draw? It seems like it would, since neither of the effects listed have the word "may" in them anywhere, but I just want to be clear on this before trying it in a deck.
Posted 02 November 2012 at 09:42


Yes, you would draw out the game playing both of those together and taking any damage. Havoc Festival on the other hand would put your opponents on a very short clock to draw some enchantment removal.
Posted 02 November 2012 at 12:21
